Chapter 17: Heartbeat

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The room is dead silence as the heart monitor let out a noise indicating that her heartbeat is beating at a slow pace.

"scalpel" Jin said as Halmeoni lend him the scalpel as Jin made an incision across the wound big enough to give space for Jin  to move around with the tweezer to find the bullet. He look at the inside of the incision and let out a sigh.

"Thankfully the bullet didn't hit her rib cage or spinal cord." he said as he tried to grab the bullet but there is not much space for him to see what his doing. His afraid that he will hit some important veins. He put the tweezers down on the bowl. 

"I have to use my hands" Jin said as he went inside the incision to grab the small bullet. Fortune is on his side as he succesfully pull it out. He put the bullet in the bowl and start stitching on the incision when they here the heart monitor beeping.

"Oh no her heartbeat's rating drop." Halmeoni said in panicked as Jin snip of the last stitch.

"Shit" Jin grab the defibrillator and rubbed the paddles together as Taehyung flipped Nurin. Halmeoni put two cool-gel(?) sticker on Nurin's body one on her upper chest and the other one on her abdoment. Jin look at Taehyung who nod his head.

"200 J"


Jin placed the paddles on top of the stickers and look at the hearbeat monitor.

"It's stills on an irregular pace." he said as he look at Nurin's slow hearbeat.

"Tae, up it to 360 J" he said.

"but hyung it's too high." Jin sigh as he know it's the maximum limit of joules a person can adapt

"Then 300 J" he look at Taehyung who nod his head.

"Clear!" he shout before putting the paddles on the stickers. He look at the heart monitor and sigh. It's still irregular.

"Damn it this ain't working" he put back the paddles to the defibrillator. He used his hands and pushed Nurin's chest directly at the heart.

"Come on Nurin don't give up on me" Jin said as he kept on pushing and pushing.

"Her heartbeat is getting lower hyung! It's too late to do anything!!" Taehyung said.

"NO I KNOW WHAT I'M  DOING JUST SHUT UP CAN YOU OR ELSE I'LL SHOVE MY PINK SLIPPERS AND MY SON'S BLUE SLIPPERS IN YOUR MOUTH HOLE!!" Jin shout as he start to feel distress over how weak Nurin's heartbeat is.

"Come on, dear. Come on" Jin said as he kept on pushing.

He gave his last push.

The machine didn't make any sound.

The heart monitor made a straight beeping sound.

Her chest stop moving.

Her face went pale.

The three of them stood there in silence.

"I'm sorry Jimin." Jin said as he got off Nurin.



To Be Continue~

Andddd as I said it's short.

 Hehehehe so Thanks for reading see you on my next update~

Mochi Out~

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