Mad Dash

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Chia closed her locker, heaving her heavy backpack onto her back once more. Last period ended, and she was free to go home, which she somewhat gladly did. Stepping throug the hallways almost all the way, she found her sister, Mikayla.

'Heya, Chi! So how was school? Are you excited for prom? Do you want me to do your makeu-' The younger of the two cut her off;

'Fine! And yeah, I'm excited.. I'd like to get home before making choices though.' She felt exhausted from the constant lessons and homework that'd be due. She longed for her bed, and maybe a snack or two alongside a glass of nice, cold water.

'Oh alright! Seeya there sis!' Mikayla flipped her long, blonde hair over her shoulder and went on her way to her clique: the popular, and "VSCO" girls. All wearing relatively similar, "cute" things like oversized shirts and scrunchies.

Chia wasn't that different from her sister, but definitely not as popular. She wore some different clothes, but that shouldn't have had to matter, right? She stepped out of the school doors, seeing some older guys, most likely seniors start to follow her out.

'What..?' She thought to herself, trying to ignore them, and putting her headphones on. She got closer to her bike, and as she did so, felt someone push her.

'Hey!' She yelped, catching herself on an iron fence.

'What? Scared?' One of the taller guys asked, getting closer to Chia; the group's new "victim". The others got more physically threatening.

She found this situation a necessary escape, shoved her key in her bike, and ran out of the schoolyard with it in hand, jumping on it. She rode as fast as she could, though still thinking about where she was going. The boys started after her in a pack, all the while yelling, and laughing. The girl attempted to pick up more speed, seeing a bridge draw near. She went under it, speeding out and nearly lifting off the ground when the pavement flattened. This was the approximate halfway point from her school to her house, she was losing some breath and she couldn't wait to reach the three quarter mark. She heard voices drawing nearer and louder. There was no other option but to-


... Into a shortcut she'd found. She lost some- if not most- of her balance and nearly fell off of her bike, though she was safe for now, making that scare worth it. She'd basically dipped right into the street her house was in, still speeding down the road and into a corner, where she parked her bike as fast as possible and basically fell into her front door. Before her mother, Mrs. Martinez, could ask anything about her day or what was wrong she dashed into her room and shut the door, dropping her backpack and leaning against the pastel-blue painted door. She sighed.

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