Chapter 24

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Harry's P.O.V

"Hey babe, you ok?" I asked as we all took in Carly's flustered state.

She put on what I knew was a fake smile, "Yeah I'm ok, I just had a bit of trouble shutting the boot while holding all of these." she attempted to joke, holding up the grocery bags.

"You sure?" Rosie asked.

"What? Yeah! Why wouldn't I be?" Carly replied before continuing into the kitchen with the groceries, not noticing the table at all.

I followed behind her as the others all went back to awkward conversation.

"Carly, you know you can talk to me about anything right?" I assured her as I entered the kitchen.

She looked up from where she was getting groceries out of the bags, "Yeah I know, but I'm fine. Honestly." Carly smiled.

"Carly. I know there's something up. We all do."

"I'm perfectly ok. I don't know what you guys are talking about!"

"Ok, if you don't want to talk about it, then I won't push you, but I'm here if you want to talk." I replied, walking back out to join the others.

They all looked at me expectantly and I just shook my head in response.

"Well there's no point in letting all of this go to waste, so why don't you two girls go and get Carly and head upstairs to change or do whatever girls do and we'll finish up dinner?" Liam suggested and the girls agreed.

Carly's P.O.V

As we all sat around the table eating the delicious food that the boys had prepared there was an extremely awkward silence clouding everyone.

And it was all my fault.

They all deserved to know and I felt horrible about lying to them, especially Harry, but I couldn't tell them about Blake. Not yet. I know that Harry would probably get angry to the point where he would go after him but I knew that Blake wouldn't go easy on him and Harry could get hurt seriously and I would feel even worse about it all.

I couldn't tell them.

The boys had gone to such a trouble to tidy up the house and cook us a beautiful dinner so, not wanting to seem rude or ungrateful, I forced the food down into my stomach.

Everyone kept giving me glances in between conversation that I wasn't part of. Harry gave my hand a squeeze underneath the table and I gave him a small smile in return, feeling worse.

I couldn't tell them.

Emma's P.O.V

"Last night was just weird." I said, looking up at Zayn as we lay on the couch the next day.


"I mean, it was so obvious that there was something wrong. I just don't get it. I mean, she was perfectly fine when we left her and came inside, I don't get what could have gone wrong in that short time. And she won't even tell us!" I complained.

"I know right?" Rosie spoke up from the other couch, "we're her best friends, what's so big that she can't even tell us?"

"I have no idea, but whatever it is, she'll tell you in her own time." Zayn said.

Carly's P.O.V

As I stood against the wall at the top of the stairs, I could hear Emma, Rosie and Zayn talking about me. I'd tell them eventually, but I wasn't ready just yet and so I decided to act like nothing was bothering me at all and nothing happened last night.

I held my head high and started down the stairs.

"Hey guys, have a good night sleep?" I asked with a smile on my face.

They all looked at me confused for a few moments before Rosie spoke up, "Yeah we did. You?" She asked with her eyebrows knit together.

"Mmhmm!" I responded, stretching my arms above my head, adding a yawn for good measure.

"That's good then. Harry's in the kitchen making us all breakfast if you wanna see him." Emma added.

I grinned, "Ok, thanks!" And with that, I left them to head for the kitchen.

"Morning Handsome." I spoke, wrapping my arms around Harry's waist from behind as he stood in front of the stove, cooking bacon. He turned around with a questioning expression on his face.

"Morning?" He asked, sceptically.

"What?" I asked, feigning innocence.

"You ok?"

"Yeah! Why wouldn't I be?"

"You were acting weird last night but wouldn't tell any of us why?" Harry replied.

"What? Oh that! Don't worry about it, I don't know, something just came over me." I said in a casual tone hoping he'd just drop it so that I wouldn't have to lie any further. He didn't look like he bought it but he let it drop anyway.

"So, you in the mood for some bacon and eggs on toast?" He asked with a smile.


After breakfast, we all decided that we'd have a lazy day in the pool. Emma, Rosie and I were currently laying on the beach chairs tanning, while the guys played around in the pool.

"Carly, can I ask you a question?" Rosie asked from next to me.

Uh-oh. "Yeah sure!" I replied.

"What was up with you last night?" She asked bluntly.

"I told you, no-"

"Yeah we know, 'nothing was wrong, something just came over you'. Carly, us three have been best friends for years, we know when you're lying." Emma spoke up.

I sighed, knowing there was no way of getting out of it, "I can't tell you guys right now, I'll tell you tonight, in our room." I promised, and I intended to keep to my word.

The doorbell rang and both girls spoke at the same time, "Shot not!"

"Dang it. I'll go get it." I sighed and got up, wrapping a towel around me before heading inside.

As I got to the door to go inside, I kicked my big toe on the step up to it, "Ow!" I cried and after reassuring the others I was fine, headed to the door, hopping as I held my saw toe in one hand. I let go and opened the door, instantly forgetting the pain as I took in the person standing in front of me with a smirk on his face.

"Hello, Car."


Ok, well seeing as no one commented on the last chapter, I've made the decision to skip over the bit with Blake cause I know it's gonna be bad just like this chapter so yeah.

Anyway, this story will only have one more chapter and then an epilogue, I know it might seem like its ending really suddenly but not all summers go forever and I'm over writing this, I wanna focus on a new story that I'm writing, which isn't a fanfic.

I don't think I'll write another fanfic, it's tiring having so many main characters :P

Anywho, please vote and comment what you think :)

- Bec xx

P.s Emma Roberts as Emma attached...

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