One Room

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Ship:Prinxiety (implied Logicality) also Roman and Virgil aren't together until later.
AU:My normal one for my first and second one shots/Short stories that I uploaded
also sorry if the Spanish is wrong I used google translate🤣

-Third Person POV-
Virgil and Roman were fighting. Again. They had been arguing nonstop for about 2 and a half hours now. "OH MY GOD SHUT UP!!" Remy shouted over the two boys. They turned towards him,  "He's the one who started it!" Roman and Virgil both said in synchrony, pointing towards each other. "No I didn't you did!" "Shut up you know damn well that you started it!" "Nuh uh!" "Yeah you fuckin did!" Emile, Deceit, and Remus started chuckling. The two started fighting again. Patton finally spoke up "I know a way to solve this!" He said with a smile. The other 7 sides looked at him. "How would that be Patton?" Logan was genuinely intrigued as to how he was going to solve the fighting between the boys. "Let's use the free room at the office and we lock them alone in there with the mini fridge, some snacks, drinks, and some basic essential necessities for about a day and see if they can  work things out." Roman and Virgil were already red from anger but also were blushing knowing they would be in a room alone with their crush for an entire day. Logan was stunned "Wow, Patton. That was actually really smart." Patton chuckled. "NO! I physically can't be in a room alone with him for an entire day." Roman announced. "SAME HERE!" Virgil shouted. "Whatever you're doing it. And plus we get a break from the fighting." Emile said smirking. The two opposites groaned. Deceit was the quickest to start getting ready to go to the office. "COME ON HURRY UP I DEFINITELY DONT WANT THEM TO LEAVE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE." He was already grabbing his car keys and putting his shoes on. Patton giggled "Get your stuff ready." Virgil rolled his eyes as he and Roman went upstairs to get their stuff. "ALSO NO PHONES!" Patton shouted from downstairs. "WHAT?WHY?" Virgil and Roman both said in unison again. When they didn't get a reply they accepted their fate and didn't grab their phones. Well at first they did but Patton took them away. They all got in the car with Deceit. "Uhm I'm not riding if Dee is driving." Virgil said concerned. "Fine I'll drive." Logan said.....reluctantly.

They arrived at the office and they almost pushed Roman and Virgil into the almost empty room. When Virgil tried to run out Patton quickly closed the heavy metal door and locked it from the outside.
"So....whaddya' wanna do?" Roman said. "I don't know.. Wait, did they seriously leave the tv?" Virgil noticed a small tv that was mounded on the wall in the corner of the room in front of the small yellow love seat. The boys moved closer to it. "I wonder if we could play a movie on this." Roman said examining the Television. "Look! Here's Aladdin." Virgin spotted the lone disc on the floor. Roman slid the disc into the DVD player and turned on the tv. The two boys sat down to watch the movie, forgetting the fight they had less than an hour ago. "Want somethin to drink? I'm getting snacks." Roman nodded and said "Dr.Pepper." Virgil got up and got them some drinks and snacks. He sat back down, this time closer to Roman. He handed Roman his drink and Roman started the movie. When "A Whole New World" came on Roman noticed the smaller trait singing along to it quietly. Roman also quietly sang along. By the end of the song both boys were screaming the lyrics. They paused for a second after the song ended and they both burst out laughing. After their fit of laughter Virgil had the hiccups. "You good?" Roman asked. "I'm-huc-fine." Virgil fell into a giggle fit stopping every so often to hiccup. Roman smiled and lightly chuckled at the younger boy's light dusting oh freckles all over his face and admired Virgil's adorable smile. You see Roman and Virgil have had a crush on each other since 6th grade(It's gonna be the same damn thing every time). They are always too nervous to confess and end up pretending they hate each other. Remy says their theme song is "What is this feeling" from Wicked the Musical. When Virgil's hiccups went away the boys had already missed half of the movie by just staring at each other, telling jokes, aimlessly flirting, and giggling. After looking at each other for at least 20 minutes, Roman pulled Virgil's face closer to his own. Roman could feel the heat rise to his face and saw Virgil's face turn red. Roman quickly pulled away and avoided eye contact with Anxiety. Roman felt a jolt at his sash and turned toward Virgil. Virgil put his arms around the Prince's neck and before Virgil could do anything else Roman mashed his and Virgil's lips together. Virgil flinched at the sudden contact but soon sunk into it. After a while, they pulled away, bright red. Virgil looked Roman dead in the eyes with a lovesick smile on his face. "Tell anybody and I swear the police will never find your body."Roman chuckled "I promise mi amor~" Virgil somehow turned even more red(if that was physically possible). "Cállate....."(Spanish for "shut up")Roman kisses Vee's nose and whispered in his ear "que tal ... no?"("how")Virgil nuzzles his head into Roman's neck and his breathing evened out slowly.

-Roman's POV-
After a little while I noticed that Virgil's breathing evened our and he was lightly snoring. I quietly chuckled to myself as I lifted Virgil and myself up of the floor and onto the couch. "Buenas noches sol.."(goodnight sunshine)I whispered as we cuddled on the couch. I soon too, fell asleep. When I woke up in the morning I almost forgot what had happened until I saw an adorably small and makeup-less Virgil asleep on my chest. I noticed his light dusting of freckles that I hadn't seen since 4th grade and I smiled to myself, knowing I would most likely be the only person to see him without makeup nowadays. I kissed his for head and started playing with his unkept, purple, wavy hair, twirling it in my fingers. I reached over to grab my phone but soon remembered that Patton took them. I looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it was 1:09. Me and Virgil had gotten there at around 4:00 the day before so we still had a few hours alone. I lightly kissed all over Virgil's face and he soon woke up. He groaned "mañana bebe...."(morning baby)he rubbed his eyes and yawned. His eyes grew wide as he realized what he had just said. "What's the worry, mi amor~?" "I told you to stop calling me that.." he whined and turned red.We both then started giggling. After a few more hour of talking and flirting the door of the room finally opened. "Have fun~?" Deceit smirked. Me and Virgil glanced at each other and shrugged. "What the fuck does that mean?" Deceit yelled. We both just shrugged again and continued walking.

Lmao sorry if the ending is bad I've been working on this for like 2 weeks and I really just wanted it to be done so I would have one less thing to deal with any way thanks for reading. Also if you look up what mañana Bebe means in English in google it will first show up as "tomorrow baby" but mañana is I guess used for both tomorrow and morning anyway ✌🏼

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