My Headcannons

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-Virgil along with the emo bands, he has like an obsession with the Jonas Brothers for some reason.
-Virgil acts a lot like April from Parks and Rec.
-The sides sometimes like to compare themselves to characters from Parks and Rec.(Virgil=April Roman=Andy Patton=Leslie Remus=Tom Logan=Mark/Ron Deceit=Anne/Ron)I'm sorry I just started watching Parks and Rec and I love it(I watched it for 12 hours straight...)
-Virgil is small enough to sit on a roomba like a cat without breaking it.
-Virgil and Patton have attempted to become
e-girls and turn Logan and Remy into VSCO girls(random one shot idea)
-Deceit likes to pretend that he's straight in clubs or bars so whenever he's talking to a girl and she's into him he'll get Remus and make out with him in front of the girl and she'll back off(hopefully)
-Remus' favorite MOVIE(not musical although he does love the musical) is Beetlejuice
-Virgil's favorite movie is Heathers or obviously the nightmare before Christmas.
-Roman's favorite movie is all of them
-Logan just likes documentaries
-Patton cries a lot  during movies like the Notebook or Marley and Me
-Virgil was going to get a lip piercing just because Logan and Patton said he couldn't(don't worry Roman stopped him)
-They treat each other like a literal family
-Patton is the more mom figure but is referred to as dad
-Logan is the more fatherly figure but Virgil calls him Mom(and sometimes him and Roman like to make fun of the nicknames Patton gives Logan like "Logie-Bear")
-Virgil is the son
-Roman is the son in law
-the rest is self explanatory I hope
-They have a snake(stays in deceits room for sakes of Patton and Virgil and everyone else's eardrums) a cat(it's hypoallergenic don't worry about patton baby)and a dog 
-Virgil steals romans hoodies all the time
-Deceit can for some reason beatbox and Logan and Virgil can rap(Logan can specifically freestyle)
I'll be back will more later

Sanders SidesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora