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(Quick intermission first tho🤣)Okay I've been listening to the stranger things soundtrack for like 4 hours on repeat and I'm obsessed with it also I just found out that you can download Dustin and Suzies interpretation of "Never ending Story" stranger things will have a role just bare with me if you have requests PLEASE give me some I'll be glad to do them
anyway bye✌🏼
Ship:Prinxiety,Logicality, Receit, Remile
Tw: ALOT of 80's things and Stranger Things mentions(help 80's music has consumed me)
AU:Humanish except they can still conjure stuff and there is the "Imagination" idk
-Third person POV-
Roman and Virgil loved Stranger Things. All of the sides and Thomas enjoyed the show, but Roman and Virgil worshipped it. They bought a bunch of 80's inspired clothing and constantly played 80's music. Even before the show came out, in high school, they would sit on Roman's roof, late at night and play 80's music. It was their thing. They would rewatch the entire show together, and would occasionally duet to "Never Ending Story" together. Logan hates every time they do.

-Roman's POV-
Me and Virgil were casually fangirling about 80's shit when I got an idea. What if we had an 80's room in the Imagination? I think me and Virgil had the same thought because I looked up from the ground and we met each others eyes and smirked. I nodded and we dashed to the Imagination. On the way there, me and Virgil started giggling ferociously. When we entered me and Virgil ran into my castle and sat down in a small private room. I turned on my radio to play 80's music quietly. We started coming up with ideas."Okay, hear me out, but what if instead of just a room, we make a small 80's town?" Virgil stated. "And the people from the royal village can live there!" I replied excitedly. He nodded and jotted it down on a piece of paper. We can up with more amazing ideas like a colorful, LED lit up roller skating rink, 80's styled houses with TVs that played 80's commercials and shows, and shops that sold 80's foods and clothing. We even came up with a school. We finally came up with a house for ourselves. Of course we still lived with the others out of the Imagination but we wanted somewhere that was ours. We were designing the house when I remembered our spot from when we were teens. We would always hangout on my roof and just talk for hours in the middle of the night. He would sneak out just to hang out. I told him and he agreed that we should just hang out the roof and blast music and sing and dance ridiculously. He giggled and jotted it down. We checked over the list one last time and we left the castle to go find a spot for the town. We found a place fairly close to the castle but not close enough to where it's a disturbance. Me and Virgil used all of our energy making the town. When it was finished, it was sunset and me and Virgil were amazed at what we could see. All of the unique people and colorful buildings. Despite the beautiful sight of the town, I still felt something was missing until I remembered, our house. I intertwined my hand with Virgil's and dragged him with me away from the town onto a tall hill. He was confused until I showed him the gorgeous view of the city from the hill. You could just barely hear faint music from the roller skating rink and you could see all of the colorful and bright lights of the town. I then conjured our house and we climbed onto the roof. I turned on some music and we sat there in a comfortable silence with the music playing. Well comfortably until the song "Can't fight This Feeling" came on.

(Listen to the lyrics and it will make sense I love this song so much)
-Virgil POV-
When "Can't Fight This Feeling" came on,I could feel the heat rise to my face. We both turned our heads to face a bother and we met each other's eyes. He looked down at my lips and flipped back to my eyes. We leaned in and we were about to kiss when we heard Deceit yell.
Oof that was cliché as shit
-Logan's POV-
I was quietly working in my room when I heard running and giggling. I saw Virgil and Roman run past my room towards the Imagination. I knew they were just doing something dumb so I just turned back to my work. I worked for about and hour and a half until Patton came into my room. "Hey, Logie?" He said. "Yes, Patton?"I replied as I saved my work and shut my computer. "I haven't seen Virgil or Roman since lunch. Do you happen to know where they went?" I turned my chair towards my door."Around an hour and a half ago I saw them run toward the Imagination, but I haven't seen them since then." I stood up and started walking closer to Patton. When I got in front of him he straightened(hehe) my tie and smiled. "M'kay! Wanna get the others and then go to look for them?" He was lightly hopping while talking. I smiled and put my hand to his cheek."Of course." He giggled and ran to get Remy and Emile. I went ahead and got Deceit and Remus. We entered the Imagination and started heading towards Roman's castle when we saw an unfamiliar city. It was around sunset and the town was completely lit up with colorful lights and cars. All of us were in awe(I think I phrased that right).We spotted a lone house on a hill and suspected that Virgil and Roman were up there. We hurried to the house and saw Virgil and Roman on the roof ahem almost kissing, but not before we saw the amazing view of the city. "Holy fuck guys!"Deceit yelled. Virgil and Roman jumped and turned toward us, their faces bright red. They quickly looked away from each other. "What?" Virgil asked. "This is....amazing." Patton said still in awe. "I know right!?" Roman said excitedly. Virgil looked a little upset after his-what seems to be kiss with Roman-was interrupted but quickly changed his expression. "Well while you guys freak out about the view, I saw a roller skating rink. Who's with me?" Remy announced raising their coffee. Everyone-including me- "WOOO"ed in agreement.Roman hopped off of the roof and helped Virgil down. And we all ran down the hill into the city.
-Third Person POV-
The Sides all ran to the skating rink, all of them giggling on the way there. When they made it to the entrance to the city, they were mesmerized by the colorful buildings and amazingly unique people. Roman and Virgil then showed the others the way the way to the skating rink. They quickly bought their skates and slid them on.....
Lmao part 2 coming soon but not before part 2 of its rewind time so don't worry

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