"Let me take care of you, da?"

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Ivan? The name was one that sounded familiar but, he couldn't place it. Blurry memories were starting to come back to him. Alfred bit his lip, unsure if he should respond, not completely sure if this was a friend of a foe. His heart managing to calm down a little as he starred up the man.

The sound of the man's voice seemed ever so familiar as well to the hurt American. His thick German... no, Russian, accent seemed to sound so soft as the man spoke. His mind, through the stinging pain he felt, was trying it's hardest to remember who this was. He felt a large hand take hold of his smaller one, starting to speak again.

"Fredka...Alfred.. can you hear me..?" The man asked in a soft tone. Alfred realized the man knew who he was. He was probably who bandaged him up. "If you can, squeeze my hand," he instructed. Alfred hesitated for a moment, just looking up at the blurry face before him. All he could see was his eyes. With a shaky sigh, he began to squeeze on the other's hand, unsure of what he planned next.

He heard the man let out a relived sigh. The man's arms ever so carefully wrapped around the American, and Alfred felt himself be lifted from the floor. He squirmed, but stayed fairly still in the other's arms. He saw as he was being brought into the living room, placed down on the couch at that.

There was a hand placed on his forehead, then his neck, unable to come to say anything to the larger man. He looked up at him, biting his lip once more, then around, allowing his eyes to adjust to the new location.

"Stay here, I'll get you something warm to eat. You must be hungry," Ivan said, grabbing a blanket that was on the couch and put it over Alfred. The blonde's eye's moved to look down at the blanket, then the ground. He was still thinking. There were things coming back to him, but it was vague. Trying to have some memories return to him.

It took a while, but Alfred found some hope in himself when he was finally able to recognize who Ivan was. He was the Russian, Ivan Braginsky, the representation of Russia. Not just that, he remembered he was more than just a friend or an ally now, no he was more than that.

Alfred was lost in thought, only snapping out of it once Ivan sat down. He had a bowl of soup in his hands. Alfred could tell it smelt nice, and he dying to have some. He looked at the taller male on the couch, biting his bottom lip for a moment.

"I-Ivan..?" he started to say. He wasn't sure why, but he felt nervous, but he was in pain so it only added up to it. Ivan's attention was on Alfred, a small smile appearing on his face to finally hear the guy speak. "Yes, Alfred?" "I...w-what.. what happened..t-to me..?" he asked in a shaking sigh, glancing around the room before his eyes went back to the Russian.

Ivan looked at him, then sighed and looked down. He sat closer, just enough for the American to still be comfortable in his place. He leaned in, planting a soft kiss on the blonde's forehead. "I'll tell you everything later.. right now you need to rest and eat. Your still in pain, and your wounds haven't all healed yet," he replied, holding up a spoonful of warm soup. He moved it closer to the American's lips. "I made you some soup, it's best if you eat."

Alfred just nodded, opening his mouth and taking in the spoon. He felt the warm liquid on his tongue, then trail down his throat. It was warm, and it made him tingle. His stomach felt as if it hadn't eaten for days, now craving for another taste of the soup. He just sat, letting Ivan feed him. He ate till the soup was finished, still wanting more.

"Ivan.. I don't.. I can't remember things.." he started to say, watching the other walk back from the kitchen with a full bowl of soup once more. "It's alright, don't worry about your memories right now," The Russian said, sitting down with him once more. Though Alfred would've just put it to the side, his mind wouldn't stop. He shook his head, looking down at himself. "I can't. Please, if I think our relation is what I remember it to be, you have to tell me." He started, taking in a spoon full of soup before speaking again, "What happened to me..? Last thing I can remember was.. being in the meeting room with the other countries...and well, seeing everything around me go black after or something... a-and, now I have these wounds and bandages on me and.. I've lost memories of what's happened.." he said to the other. His voice more quiet as you could tell he was more busy with his thoughts.

Suddenly, he felt strong arms wrap around him carefully, looking up at Ivan then. The Russian nation pulled the American close to himself. Ivan sighed softly, placing a kiss on the Alfred's head, causing the blonde's cheeks to turn a light shade of pink.  "Alfred, I will tell you everything, I promise, but only after you've healed. You are a nation, so you wounds will heal quicker.. but your land is also damaged, so it'll take time. I've already begun to help your people out, while you've been resting at my place," He explained, then looked a his glasses. "I know you didn't need those glasses of your's, but.. after  what's happened, it was safe to assume your sight was damaged. I did try to get new lenses, with a prescription I thought might help, but they still cracked-" He added, rubbing the back of his head. "Can you see from them though?"

Alfred listened to the older nation. He was glad to have someone by his side right now, as he did not know where anyone else was. He was also saddened to hear about destruction being caused on his land and his people. His people are everything to him, even more than his own life. He wanted to ask more, but at this point had known Ivan wouldn't be changing his mind in saying any sooner. He shook his head, his blonde locks and swaying side to side slightly, then looked up at the platinum haired nation, his cowlick giving a small bounce as it did. "A little, but not really much. It's  still kind of blurry, but- if I squint enough I can kinda see your eyes," he replied, putting his focus on the other's purple orbs. "And, my glasses also represent my state, Texas.. so, if it's land is damaged, the lenses can crack, or break if it's really bad. At least, it's what I remember of them." He explained, mainly recalling from memory.

The Russian nodded as a sign that he understood. "I see, so we'll have to work on the lenses then," he said "Don't worry though, your sight will return, in time. The other countries don't know you're here though, and until I say, it's best not to make any contact with them-" he said a little sternly, but in concern. Alfred wasn't sure why though, but just assumed it had something to do with him ending up like this, nodding to what the other said.

"Ivan? so.. i-is.. uh, between the two of us.. are we...?" he asked, wanting to be sure he wasn't just making up memories and thoughts of the past of his own. A smile begun to curl up on his face once he saw the other nod, his blush starting to show more. "Da, we are. I'm glad you remember that at least," the Russian smiled, leaning in to place a soft kiss on the American's lips for a second.

"Now, let me take care of you, da?"


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