"Finding it out myself (hopefully)"

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Matthew, Francis and Arthur were heading down to grab a bite at the hotel's restaurant. After reading through some of the things Arthur had written down about their fellow American, it puzzled all three of them, let alone scared. Something to eat might help them calm down and think about it properly.

"Anything you two want?" Francis asked as they made their way to a table. They were currently in Paris, France. Arthur shook his head, "I don't care what food there is, anything is doable I suppose.. even if it's French," he groaned. Francis rolled his eyes as he smiled, rather used to the Brit's insults. "And you Matthieu?" "Soupe à l'oignon*? If there is some," the Canadian replied in his usual soft voice. Francis nodded gently before calling up a waiter, giving him everyone's orders.

Arthur sighed softly, leaning back against his chair as he ran a hand through his messy blonde hair. "That git better not be causing trouble.. where ever he is," the British man said, glancing around the restaurant. "Angleterre, I don't think he's doing anything like that right now.. otherwise we would've found him already," Francis explained sadly. "Still, Al is good at doing what he needs to without anyone knowing... no one really noticed his insanity until much later on.." concluded Matthew. The two others just nodded, awaiting their food.


"Fredka, do you need anything?" Ivan asked as he walked into the living room, seeing his Sunflower watching TV. Alfred said he wanted to try and get his sight back, but Ivan wouldn't let him out of the house to look at things, and get them checked up due to the cold weather conditions Russia had. It'd be too much for Alfred, given his current state.

"I want my eye-sight," he groaned. He really did want it back. His glasses were helping a little, but Ivan didn't know how bad it was so he had to give a wild guess while Alfred was unconscious. The tall Russian sighed, walking over to the couch. He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on the blonde's head, then began to hug him softly. "You'll get your sight back, but I can't let you go out right now. I got a call from the other nations," he said, glancing at the TV screen to see what sort of show Alfred was finding an interest to.

"What did they say?" The American asked as he watched. "They were asking if I knew where you are," Ivan answered. It made Alfred somewhat smile at the thought of the others concerned about him, but he remembered that he wasn't supposed to be seen by any of them. He asked, "And what did you say?" picking up that same grey lump that he didn't dare to go near earlier. It was actually just Ivan's pet cat, Kotya. And, in little time, Alfred grew quite fond of the cat.

Ivan watched, sighed softly as he reached a hand down to pet Kotya. "I Told them I didn't know where you were. If they knew you were here, they'd come get you," He explained, kissing the other's cheek softly. "But what's wrong with that? If they do know where I am?" Alfred asked in a confused tone. "If the know I'm here and okay, they wouldn't worry so much, right?"

The Russian just looked at his lover. He understood what he meant, but it wasn't a good time to have the others see Alfred. They'd question his physical condition, and he didn't want to see them take his precious American back into a cell. "Well.. da, but, I'll tell you in time why I don't want you seeing them right now.." Ivan's voice quietened to a mutter. What he said made Alfred upset. He wanted to know what's been happening. He wanted to get his memories back. The answers were somewhere in his mind, but he just couldn't find them.

He wasn't dumb, even with his injuries, Alfred kept thinking. "Are you not telling me yet because it has something to do with me ending up like this from the others?" Ivan went silent. He should've known, Alfred wouldn't stop for any cost if it meant figuring out something he didn't know. It always amazed him how far the American would go to make sure he knew the wonders of this world. He saw it during the space race, as well as other countless times.

He sighed deeply, looking at the honey blonde. "...in some ways, da..." he murmured. "Oh. I see," The young North American nation replied. Kotya meowed softly, earning the American's attention. He looked down at the cat, or, the fuzzy grey ball in his lap. He smiled gently, running a hand through the cat's fur. Soft purrs left the Russian cat, getting comfortable against the warm American.

Ivan simply watched this, a little jealous of his own cat, but shrugged it off. He sighed softly, standing up straight. "I'm going to head out and buy some medicine for you. I don't know how much help it'll bring, but the sooner you recover, the better," he said, earning a nod from Alfred. With that, Ivan smiled and got ready, heading out of the house in his big winter coat and scarf.

The American smiled as he saw his Russian boyfriend leave. The wind that managed to enter into the house made him feel cold, nothing less from the winter season. Kotya seemed to be fine. Must be because he's always in cold climates, Alfred thought. He had to admit, even if he should be resting, he was bored. Alfred could care less if his body was in pain if he did that cause him to move too much, after waking up, he headache was getting better. Ivan was there to help him, and he had kotya here to keep him company while Ivan was gone.

He looked around, a little tired of sitting on the couch for so long. "Y'know Kotya, from what I can remember, I don't think I've seen Ivan so worried or concerned, for many things," he chuckled lightly to himself as he spoke to the cat. He took the cat into his arms, then proceeded to stand up in a slow and steady pace. He was careful for both himself and the fluffy cat. "Come on, if Ivan isn't telling me what's been happening, then I'm going to try and find out myself while he's gone." Alfred declared. He didn't expect to get anywhere with this, with his sight and physical state the way it was, he'd be happy to make it to Ivan's room, which was upstairs, at least.

With Kotya in his arms, and his blurry vision with him, he pushed up his glasses quickly and made his way slowly towards Ivan's room. He thought that, if anywhere, Ivan would keep important things in there, so maybe he had something to help him know what's happened. He smiled as he walked, glad to have found something to do now, and curious to know what's been going on. It did upset him though, that part of the reason why he's like this is because of his fellow nations, and he feared that if he's this bad, he wondered what's happening to his land. He didn't want to think about it, but it was just a constant reminder. But, never mind that now, Alfred thought. He was spent the time making it to Ivan's room, and looking through somethings, with Kotya's help of course.

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