Chapter 7

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Bugs turned around, only to be met with an upset duck. "Where were you? I've been trying to- actually, I've been trying to get Tina to look for you. But that girl ith thtuborn. I mean itth like..." Bugs ignored the rest of Daffy's lecture, which was more about himself than scolding Bugs.

All I know is, (Y/N) is stunning right now. I'm sure she always will be...

~Time Skip To Saturday~

~Your POV~

I frantically glanced around, trying to find a good outfit to wear to the party. Of course it was at a roller skating rink, but all of I newfound friends would be there. I had to look good.

I finally decided on this outfit:

I finally decided on this outfit:

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It's perfect. Not to pretty, not to ugly. I bet Brody would be drooling if I walked in front of him now. Serves him right for cheating on me with Ava. Preppy little peice of crap. I shook of the bad memories, remembering that I was about to make new and good ones

~Time skip to when you get there~

I stepped into the rink, holding my rainbow light up skates. I was looking around for everyone, when someone tapped my shoulder. "Eh... What's up Doc?" Bugs asked. Aww he used his signature line on me!! Wait... He uses that on everybody. Dad gum it! "The sky is up Bugs. You spend all your time coming out of holes in the ground and you never see the sky? Dang... I thought carrots made you see better." I giggled at my own joke, as Bugs chuckled. "We're in the private rink, just in that door over there." He pointed out. "I'm going to the bathrooms, which are that way." He gestured towards the obvious signs. "Nah really? I thought that was a handicap garage."I said, smirking.

"Watch out folkes!! We've got a sarcastic one on the team!" Bugs whisper-shouted back. We laughed for a little, before he said,  "I'll see you in there Wolfy." He walked away, leaving me a little pink. He's always so nice!! I really think I'm falling... Hard. I walked into the private rink, greeted with the smell of cupcakes and popcorn. Alright (Y/N), time to have a good time.

~With Bugs~

Bugs closed the bathroom door before rushing to the stall at the end of the room. When he ran into (Y/N), he wasn't actually going to the bathrooms, he just got nervous and forgot what he was doing. Why am I like this?! She's just a girl! A coworker at that!! I shouldn't feel this way. Bugs sat on the lid of the toilet, putting his hands in his hair.

He just needed to go back out there and be himself. I can do this... Bugs stood up and unlocked he stall, still contemplating whether he should just cower in the bathroom. He didn't feel like he should do that now, but he was sure once he saw (Y/N) that would change. He walked out of the bathroom and to the door to the private rink. All of my friends are here. I can do this...

Bugs walked into a room full of people. It looked as if it was a college party. Red solo cups were everywhere, and Daffy had even brought big speakers to hang on the walls. That duck is always over doing it. Bugs shook his head. He had to focus on being calm and collected. He saw       (Y/N) walk into the mini stage in the front of the room, specifically built for kareoke. She wasn't alone though, for she had Tina and Lola with her. Music started playing and they sang together.

Music starts at 0:40

When the song was over, everyone cheered loudly. As she was walking off stage, (Y/N) met Bugs' eyes. The world went in slow motion, and she smiled. Bugs' face got hot as he smiled back, giving her a little wave.

These two were truly something else...

Hey guys!! I'm back with another one. I know I keep saying this, but school is hard. Teachers in middle school give out to much homework. Anyway, I just want to say that this took me a while to think of, and I'm happy with the results. I hope you guys love this chapter and I'll see you in the next one. BUH-BYE!!!

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