Chapter 10

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As soon Bugs walked into the building, his stomach growled. He was starving! A few days after (Y/N)'s party, Bugs, Daffy, Tina, and (Y/N) had scheduled a lunch together at Panda Express. It was time for that lunch now, and it seemed that Bugs was the first to arrive.

He sat down at a booth, knowing that if he ordered something Daffy would be upset. You know, you never really think about how beautiful the world around you is... Bugs thought. I barely remember not being rich... Is that a problem? Bugs continued rambling nervously in his head, not even noticing the body of a wolf sitting in front of him.

"Bugs are you good?" (Y/N) questioned, waving her hand in his face. "You're not blinking..."

Bugs immediately snapped out of it, changing his act from frozen and stiff to calm and collected. "Oh (Y/N) I'm great. How's life on your side?" He said, leaning away from the table. "Pretty good actually. Wile E is getting more and more funny, and Road said he has plans for us this weekend!! And by us I mean me, Wile E, and him." (Y/N) said.

She started rambling on and on about her knew co-workers like they were family to her. Bugs couldn't help but get a little jealous. Ok... I need to get her to stop. If this goes any further I'm gonna end up confronting them! "Oh yeah that's great!! Hey, I'll be right back." Bugs interrupted her monologue to jump up and go to the restroom, even though, once again, he didn't actually need to go.

~Time Skip~

When Bugs came out, Daffy and Tina were already there, arguing about the prices. "I want a big plate!! Ith bigger!!" Daffy whisper-shouted. "I'm paying, not you! Get a regular one!" Tina didn't seem happy, and Daffy shouting at her wasn't helping.

Of course, amidst the chaos, (Y/N) was chilling on the other side of the booth, playing on her phone. She sighed loudly and slammed her hand on the table, getting the arguing couple to listen.

"You two need to calm down. Daffy, if you want a big plate, I'll pay for it, Ok?" (Y/N) spoke calmly and quietly, making sure not to disturb the other customers. Bugs sat down as his friends worked it out, not bothering to enter the conversation. I won't help it any. I am pretty hungry though... "Hey guys can we eat now?" Bugs finally spoke up. "I'm down for it. I'm as hungry as Mr. Long Ears on a Friday!" (Y/N) playfully said back.

The whole table went quiet, no one quite knowing who that was. "He's my donkey." (Y/N) said, standing with annoyance in her posture.

During their lunch, they talked about many things. Birthdays, holiday plans, family, and pets, along with a little work stuff. "Corp. is thinking of making another Looney Tunes Show." Daffy brought up.

"Oh yeah! And I'm pretty sure their letting Wile E. and Road into this one. If their in, you've gotta be!" Bugs said, gesturing towards (Y/N). "That sounds fun! I wonder if I get a farm and-!" "Don't get your hopes up (Y/N)." Tina interrupted.

What the crew didn't know, was that high hopes was just what they needed for the new show. And one of our friends would get exactly what they wanted. Or should I say, 'who'.

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