Things to Never Say to a Demisexual

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Note: This isn't listed in any particular order

Statement 1:
"Demisexuality isn't real"

Not real? What are we? Unicorns? Dragons? Excuse me, but if it's not real then how do you explain the existence of it?

Statement 2:
"Isn't that everybody?"

No. No it's not. Most people don't hook up with strangers simply because of morals. Demisexuals are literally not capable of having feelings toward strangers. We can't just look at somebody and find them physically appealing. Nondemisexuals can.

Statement 3:
"You're just being picky"

No I'm not. You think I want to wait forever for just the possibility of liking somebody and have to reject people because I don't know them well enough?

Statement 4:
"You're just trying to label yourself"

Or not.

Statement 5:
"You're just not there yet"

Not there yet? And how do you get to this magical level? How do you determine it? Because I know when I'm emotionally attached to someone then I arrive at that mystical "there"

Statement 6:
"You just haven't met the right person yet"

What? This has nothing to do with other people! This is about how I feel, not anybody else. So it doesn't matter if I haven't met the "right person" yet. Nothing is going to change; I will still be demisexual.

There's more I'm sure, but these are the main things to never say to a demisexual or anyone really. People need to stop judging sexualities or try to disprove someone's orientation. Just accept them!

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