Celebrity Crushes

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So this was a question that popped up in the comment section. I won't tag the person in case they don't want to be. But basically they had asked if it was normal to find a celebrity aesthetically appealing, but not want to hook up with them.

Answer: yes!

With demisexuality, you can still find people attractive. The only thing is that demisexuality leaves you there. There is no desire to act upon your attraction to this person unless you have some sort of relationship with them.

But not all demisexuals feel physical attraction towards someone they don't know. Personally, I don't find people attractive; you all might as well look the same. I don't find someone attractive until I've a) known them for a while and/or b) I already like them for their personality.
I have only found two people attractive in my life. The first one was only for a little bit before I stopped noticing and at the time I had known him for only a year. The second person I have known for two years and I still like him and find him attractive.

Hope this update was helpful! I do apologize for lack of activity and hopefully that will be changing soon! If you have any questions or want something covered please comment or pm us! 💜

What is Demisexuality Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora