The Beginning

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My name is Wolf and I'm not human. Now this is a long story so get some popcorn and take a seat. Before you can even try to understand, I will have to tell you about a time where all mythical creatures roamed free. A time where seeing a dragon was normal, where seeing a giant was possible, where seeing fairies everywhere were known, and many more. Now I know that you must think I'm crazy, mythical creatures everywhere but believe me it was once a thing! Now there's something you should know, the place where all mythical creatures live is like Earth but different. There were different places you can find all the different kinds of creatures. There were the few very known places to find creatures like Dragon Alley, Fairy Fields, Pixie Island, Wolf Mountain, and many others.

There were more places but there was one place where all creatures can hang out together. A bar named The Den. It was a place where the ground was mutual. A safe place for all creatures to mingle, drink, laugh, and have fun. This bar was the only place where animals can be together, you see if your a dragon then you can't go to Wolf Mountain. It was the law for creatures to stay and live in their own provinces unless given permission from leader of province. That was law number one, there were many laws to protect humans and creatures.

Law one: stay in own province unless given permission from province leader.

Law two: don't attack, hurt, kill any humans unless in defense.

Law three: no killing of other creatures unless for food.

Law four: humans no killing, attacking, hurting other creatures unless in defense.

There were more laws being made every week as life went on. You would be surprised how many humans and creatures liked to party. Creatures hooked up with creatures and humans hooked up with humans. The reason for this is because when a human gets pregnant with a creature, their child or children will be misfigured or sold for money. Once that became a problem law five became a thing.

Law five: no outer species interactions

But as life went on and more creatures were born the more that party and...... two people met. After a drink or....... seven, they both became really drunk and hooked up. After waking up and leaving the man at the hostel, the lady, whose name was Beth, left. After she left him all alone she went back to the human towns, moved on with her life. She went back to work, hung out with her friends, and other daily things. She worked at a store called The Spinning Bobby. She worked 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. and after one shift she went to the store to get a pregnancy test. After she got home, she found out she was pregnant and instantly knew who was the father but knew he can never know. So she decided to keep the baby and keep it a secret and raise it herself.

As the nine months went on she went through all of the phases that came with pregnancy and then she gave birth to a pretty girl and named her Amber. She took Amber home just a few days ago and loved her daughter more than anything. she struggled, were yelled at, and was always tired but she still loved her daughter.

18 years later......

Amber had moved out and was on her own. She had been on her own for about two years now and kept thinking that she was different and wondered was there something else out there for her. She had a boyfriend and they would always go traveling on the weekends. Sometimes she thought she had seen something but nothing was there. She wanted to live everywhere in the world. Ireland, Paris, New Orleans, Washington, Japan, Maine, and more. But she felt stuck, alone, and like she wouldn't make it. So she never did anything toward them.

She felt like she was worthless and couldn't do anything. But after her boyfriend broke up with him she decided she had enough. She had enough of the way her life was and how she could never have a relationship last more than a year even if she tried. She was tired and sick of it so she decided it was time to take a stand and leave her old life behind. But she had a debt to pay and had to find a place to live. So she felt more angry and just wanted to leave and forget her life in her hometown. She wanted to leave and forget the past nineteen years so much . She applied to places until she got a job and then hopefully be able to pay that debt as soon and as fast as she can. She got a job at a place called Herb Remedies but she felt like something was missing from her life. She felt like she was stuck and couldn't move. Well, one day a guy came in the store and overheard her talking one of her co-workers that she wanted out for good, wanted a new life. So he offered her a work position at The Den.

She asked the guy all sorts of questions about the job like what are the requirements and such. The guy told her there are none just to be there on time and she'll have the job. By this point in life she decided to think about taking this job but little did she know that there were requirements for this job. You see by this time in life all mythical creatures were kept secret it was like they never existed. She had no idea that she wasn't just human and had no idea that to have this job she had to pass a series of test to prove she wasn't human. She told the guy that she will have to think about it and if there was a way for her to contact him. He told her his name was Micheal. He gave her a number to text when she made up her mind. After thanking the guy, they went their separate ways.

Two weeks later.....

After heavy thought about this job she decided to take it. She had already payed of her debt so why not. She picked up her phone and texted the number that the guy gave her. He texted back with a time and location to meet up.

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