P = Punishment

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(Hoseok) - "Lets have some fun..."

And that's when I passed out.


When I woke up, there where chains on my legs and arms keeping me up on a wall. I look at the room that I was in and there where weapons/torture items hanging on the wall. I felt a breeze hit my chest, that's when i realized i was naked(he had boxers on). Am I going to die.... like this? No one to remember me, because they killed my family? Why did it have to be me? Tears started to come from my eyes as I heard the door open-

3dr P.O.V

The 7 men walked in with smiles on their faces as they watched THEIR baby boy cry. Jin was the first to speak-

Jin - "Why are you crying... we haven't even touched you yet." Min snapped out of his daze and tried to hide his small body away from the 7 mean men(they are not mean, they are the most nicest ppl in the world*just to let you know*), but it was impossible with his arms and legs being hooked up to the wall. Ho-seok walked up to Min-

Ho-seok - "- Honey don't cover your beautiful body form us." His hand stroked the smaller boys body giving a demotic smile.

Min - "I'm s-sorry.... p-please d-don't hurt me-e."

Suga - "oh sweetheart you just can't talk to one of my peers like that and think you wouldn't get a punishment... now how would you learn your lesson, huh?" Jungkook grab a wip and walked up to V.

Namjoon walked over to Min and unhooked him from the wall, which made him fall to the floor with a loud drop. He looked at Namjoon with pleating eyes, trying to say his sorry with his face. Namjoon just put on a hard face trying not to give in... and to be honest he really wanted to see Min break right down in front of him, he made the younger boy get on all 4's his arms on a pillow and he face in the ground crying to himself.

Min - " what are y-you going to d-do?"

Namjoon - "we are going to have fun sweetie."

Jungkook - "Tae, why don't you do it sense he disrespected you?"

Taehyung - "oh yeah your right, thanks kookie." He  gladly took the torture item out of his hand.

The whole night all you could here was the screams of the small boy. Let's just say he wouldn't be able to get out of bed for weeks....

Guess what happened


Hello, I don't know how far you would like me to go with the punishment... so I just did it like this. If you want me to make a chapter on of what happened in this chap, than just let me know. Sorry for not posting for so long. But hey I posted today so yay 😁

SmexyLexy is out and will never stop being smexy ~ bye-bye 💜🥵

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2019 ⏰

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