Chapter 18

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It was currently September 5th. A week before we started out tour and also the day of the CMA awards. I woke up at 5am to get ready. The show didn't start until 8pm tonight, but the girls taught me that you have to be prepared for these things. The awards were being held at the Bridgestone Arena here in Nashville, which was also the place we were opening up the tour. We were allowed to bring one guest, so I decided to bring Tuck. I knew my mom and dad would be at home watching, cheering me on. I decided on wearing a long dress with a white top and a red bottom that fanned out that had roses on it. It was pretty fitting for my song title. I thought I looked pretty great, not to he cocky, but it was Tuck that really stole the spotlight with his outfit choice. He put on black skinny jeans that looked fancy, and a black button down shirt with Rose's all over it. He said he wanted to match me, and that he did. My hair was styled up in a braid and I had my makeup done with shades of red to match my dress. Tuck did his own hair the way he knew I loved it, styled up like a greaser.

Because we all lived pretty close to where the awards were being held, we all decided to get ready at the house. It felt like I was getting ready for my senior prom again, of course I went to that with Tuck too. I thought that kind of made the perfect instagram caption, so naturally I posted a photo of Tuck and I all dressed up for prom when were 18 and dressed up for the awards now. My caption was: "prom to CMA awards, and i still have the hottest date!".

It was true too, I still had the hottest date In the whole world. I had sent my mom the picture of us and she instantly responded.

"my gorgeous babies!" She says. I only replied back with a heart emoji. I wished that she and Tuck's dad could be here for this show. I was really bummed that they weren't, and I think Tuck could tell.

"Baby, you know that pops and your mama are watching. You know they're your #1 fans" He says hugging me. Maddie and Tae were on their way over, and I didn't want then to see me upset, but I was really missing my mama right now.

"Yeah, but mama deserves to see me on that stage in person" I say.

"She will one day. I know she will" He says. I continue to squeeze him until the door swings open. Maddie and Tae stood there looking as stunning as ever.

"Are we group hugging?" Maddie asks as I pull away from Tuck.

"She's missin Ellen and my dad" He says. Maddie's face forms a sympathetic look.

"You know, I think we have something that might make you feel better" She says. "We'll be right back". She and Tae disappear for a second, and when they come back, they make me close my eyes I do as they say. "Open!".

When I opened my eyes, I almost fell to my knees. Standing in front of me was my mom and Tuck's dad.

"Mama!" I say and throw myself into her.

"Hey, baby" She says.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask pulling away from her going to hug Ethan, Tuck's dad.

"Liza, you have got some amazing friends" He says.

"What do you mean?" I ask. Tuck takes my hand.

"Babe, you know how everyone gets one guest? Well, I knew that you wanted your mama to be yours, but asked me instead. When Maddie found out, she insisted that Ellen become her guest, and then Tae asked pops if he would be hers, so they could surprise you" He explains. My heart melted. I immediately look at the girls.

"You guys would do that?" I say hugging them both.

"Hey, our mama's have gotten to see us perform. It's only fair that yours does too" Tae says.

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