Chapter 20

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Tour day! We kicked off the tour tonight at 7pm. The girls and I were already at the venue. Tuck was of course playing somewhere with Carrie's son. Her youngest never came before shows because he was little, but her husband always brought him later. Tuck absolutely loved the boys. I loved seeing him with kids, I also loved seeing fans post about how excited they were to see the shows. I scrolled through hundreds of tweets while the girls and I were all sitting in Carrie's dressing room. It was 5pm, so the show started soon.

"Guys, let's go see the crowd for tonight" Kelsea says. She and Hannah loved to do that apparently, but Naomi and Jennifer were superstitious about it.

"I'm down" I say. I wasn't performing tongiht, so I didn't care, but I knew I'd be seeing all these people tomorrow.

Kelsea, Hannah, and I all walked to the front of the building and up the the top story. We looked out the glass windows and saw a sea of people and more coming in. We heard footsteps running towards us, it was Tuck and his new bestfriend.

"It's a lot of people" Isaiah says. I kneel to his level.

"It is a lot of people. Are you going to sing to people like your mama one day?" I ask. He nods his head and takes off running down the hall. Tuck follows. Any other person would be worn out, but Tuck was so happy when he got to play with Isaiah.

"They're cute together" Kelsea says. I nod as we start walking back.

"They are. I love that man more than anything" I say.

"One day, your son will be singing to all those people out there" Hannah says. I smile imagining that day.

"Gosh, I hope so" I say. I loved imagining Tuck and I having a son together. He would look just like Tuck and act just like him too. I couldn't wait for that day.

The show had started already. Runaway June went first. Maddie, Tae, Tuck, and I watched from a balcony section in the very back of the arena. I bet you can guess that Tuck was singing and dancing around with Isaiah.

"I can buy my own drinks! I can pay own tab!" Tuck sings.

"Call my own cab!" Isaiah sings with him. Gosh, it was adorable. I could see my mom sitting front row with Ethan and Tara. They looked like they were having so much fun. I couldn't wait until I got out there tomrrow on that stage. I couldn't wait to sing about Tuck and sing to my mama. I waited my whole life for that. I couldn't wait to look up here and see Tuck dancing around with Isaiah. I had felt all the pieces falling into place of how my life should be. I was so happy. I didn't think that would ever change.

The next day was our day. Maddie, Tae, and I were on today. We were currently getting fixed up. We all did our own hair and makeup so we used the same dressing room. Carrie was with us with her youngest son, Jacob. He was only six months, so he clung to her pretty good.

I put my hair up in the braid, I figured out at the CMA awards that I like performing with my hair back. I wore a pair of black skinny jeans and a shirt that said 'Nashville' on it. I wasn't planning on dressing up too much for these shows. That definitely wasnt who I was. I hadn't seen Tuck at all today, which was strange because lived together. I almost felt like he was avoiding me, but the girls kept reminding me that he worked on this tour, and had a job to do too.

It was 6:55. I was performing first. I opened up the show with Roses and ended with Babe. Then the girls did their set and they invited me out again to do out cover of Dixie Chicks. I stood on a platform that raised up during the intro to roses and I started signing when it reached the top.

Maddie and Tae both hugged me before I went and took my place. I wish that I knew where Tuck was to hug me too, but seeing him after the show would be fine. My heart started racing as the platform started to rise, and the intro started to play. I started singing as the platform reached the top. The crowd went crazy. It was crazy seeing fans with signs that had my name on it, and homemade shirts that they had made. I looked over and saw my mama sitting front row. It brought a tear to my eye seeing her so happy. I swear I didn't take my eyes off of that section the whole show. I knew I was coming close to the end of my show, so I was going to sing the sing for my mom. That was technically the song I was ending with tonight.

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