Chapter 2- confused

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I yawned, and sat up, why didn't Charlie or Bella wake me? I groaned, now I'm gonna be late for school. I opened my eyes and blinked for several minutes, this was definitely not my room-nor was it a room in my house. I thought back to last night but can't remember spending the night at mikes house, I know I went home last night.


I slowly got out of bed really confused, I was laying in a huge king size bed that had black silk sheets and a black blanket.There was a LARGE window covering a whole wall that was facing the woods....

I gasped as I stumbled backwards clutching my head which felt like it was about to explode, suddenly I started seeing myself running through the woods. Why? It was really dark, I was scared out of my mind and I don't know why.

"Oh my god!Carlisle!!" I heard a familiar female's voice but it wasn't my sister Bella that I was hearing this voice was higher.

I heard footsteps creaking closer to me but I was still cradling my head, to scared to look up what the hell was that? why was I running through the woods, at night?

"Danielle,is your head hurting?" this voice was not female it was deeper and had some sort of powerful in it.

I nodded my head, I had a headache coming on now something was off... where was Charlie?


Alice! that's why that voice sounded so familiar, Alice was a Cullen. Mike and all his friends hated the Cullen's, I wasn't aloud to talk to them....

mike told me that if I did he would "strangle me while shoving a corn dog down my throat" his exact words...

And as for that voice that was yelling I heard it before but I couldn't tell where suddenly I started seeing a dark figure and a black car. I screamed and gripped my head tighter, this was the most terrible pain I have ever felt in my life.

"Just breath, okay?"

I took a couple deep breaths, and forced my eyes open to see a man crouching in front of me, he had short blond hair that had gel keeping in in place on his head so it won't fall into his eyes, he was slightly pale.

(paler than Bella and believe me she's pale)

With gold eyes.

"good morning, here is some aspirin to help with your headache"

He put two pills in my right hand because my left had a cast on it. I stared confused, did I break my hand? I felt my headache starting to hurt more and I quickly put the pills in my mouth, the kind blond man handed me a bottle of water.

"Thank you," I whispered, not looking up.

"Your welcome, my names Dr.Carlisle Cullen"

I finished the water and looked up, I nodded not bothering to tell him my name because he's been calling me by it this whole time

"you already know me"

Carlisle helped me up and I finally looked around to see the other six Cullen's standing around the room, I blushed and looked down what was going on?

"I know your confused dan-"

"Yes I am where is my father? and sister? what am I doing here?"

I heard chuckling and looked over to see the cutest Cullen of them all, his blond hair to his shoulders in his eyes which were really gold.

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