Chapter 10-His story

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Jasper sat down in the grass and motioned for me to sit next to him which I did because I knew he wouldn't hurt me..... or I hoped he wouldn't especially after what happened a couple minutes ago.

"before I tell you this, you have to promise not to ran away screaming"

"I'm guessing I did that the last time you told me?"

jasper nodded but didn't look at me, I shook my head and lifted his chin so he was looking at me "I promise, you mean a lot to me and of course jazzy, you know anything you tell me stays between us"

I repeated what I remember from the first time jasper told me, he eyes went wide and he kissed me.

"I love you Ellie"

i smiled and kissed him "I love you too" jasper pulled me onto his lap.

"When I said I don't know my birthday, I was telling the truth... all I remember is that I was born in 1844 'I joined the confederate army in1861. I lied to the recruiters and told them I was twenty. I was tall enough to get away with it.

My military career was short-lived, but very promising. people always.... liked me, listened to what I had to say. my father said it was charisma. of course, now I know it was probably something more"

I started thinking about him feeling emotions.

"but, whatever the reason, I was promoted quickly through the ranks, over older, more experienced men. the confederate army was new and scrambling to organize itself, so that provided opportunities, as well. by the first battle of Galveston- well, it was more of a skirmish, really- I was the youngest major in Texas, not even acknowledging my real age.

I was placed in charge of evacuating the women and children from the city when the unions mortar boats reached the harbor. it took a day to prepare them, and then I left with the first column of civilians to convey them to Houston

I remember that one night very clearly"

I knew he was getting to the part about what he is.

" We reached the city after dark. I stayed only long enough to make sure the entire party was safely situated. as soon as that was done, I got myself a fresh horse, and I headed back to Galveston. there wasn't time to rest.

Just a mile outside the city, I found three women on foot. I assumed they were stragglers and dismounted at once to offer them my aid. but, when I could see their faces in the dim light of the moon, I was stunned into silence.they were, without question, the three most beautiful women I had ever seen"

I froze, he really said that with me right here. "this was before I met you so don't think I got feeling for anyone but you" he whispered in my ear before continuing.

" They had such pale skin, I remember marveling at it. even the little blacked-haired girl, whose features were clearly Mexican, was porcelain in the moonlight. they seemed so young,a of them, still young enough to be called girls. I knew they were not lost members of our party. I would have remembered seeing these three.'"

He paused.

"I won't tell the rest, that part you didn't even want to hear the first time... have you realized what I am yet?"

I nodded in his lap, trying to picture the women in the story he was talking about "what were the females names?"

"'Their names were Maria, Nettie, and Lucy"'

I felt my body tense up MARIA!!!!! the bitch that had feelings for MY JASPER was the one WHO....."your a vampire, aren't you?" I looked up at him and he nodded "but you don't drink human blood"

And that's when it hit me...

I sat up quickly shaking my head no... but I tried not to except it but everything, EVERYTHING pointed to it.

"How'd you know I drink animal blood?" jasper asked staring at me with a weird expression.

"The guy who.... h-he"

Jasper grabbed my face "what?"

I whispered, afraid now "He was a vampire too"


Also check out my new story IMPRINT

OMG!!!!! WHO IS HE?!?!?!?!?!?

When jasper is telling Danielle his story, that is word for word right out of eclipse...I am not claiming anything of his story(that goes to Stephanie Meyer) I just wanted to make sure his story was right.

Anyway how did I do? do you think she found out about jasper to fast? or what? let me know!!!




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