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Kendall/G18 POV;

We soon arrived at the hotel.I had a stack of diamonds already.I got out and Ryan opened the trunk for me to grab Amanda's bags.I had to admit.Amanda was hot with her reddish orange hair.It almost made me wanna fap to it- ah want am I saying.

Amanda skipped into the hotel and I followed Dominic.


"This place is huge." Amanda spoke

"Erm there was only nine beds..." Ryan sighed

Amanda and Kat looked down.I felt bad because there are guests.

"Amanda you can sleep in my bed if you want." I said shly

"I would but I don't know what's on your bed and I don't wanna find anything-"

"I didn't fap at all!" I spoke cutting her off

"Sureee dudee." Jack chuckled

"Jahova!" Amanda squealed

"Yeah that's me." Jack chuckled."Call me jack but call me Jahova In public."

"Kevin!"Dominic yelled

Kevin or Deluxe 20 came down.Amanda ran up and hugged Kevin.

"Amanda I missed you! Why did you come? We're have you been!?" Kevin smiled

"Around the world!" Amanda smiled

"Like were?" Kevin smiled

"uh." Amanda chuckled

"Hey we should sleep because we have to go to Mlg!" Jordan yelled

"yeah we should speedster." Joel yawned

"Sleep well." Amanda smiled.

Ryan, Joel, jack and Jordan went into there rooms that they shared.Kevin, Dominic, Carlos and Albi share a room.I have my own room for some odd reason.Don't worry we all have are own beds.

"I'll sleep on the couch and you can take my bed Kat." Albi smiled

"Are you sure?" Kat blushed



Night hit and Amanda was sitting on the floor nowhere to sleep.Kendall opened his door and sighed.

"Amanda come into my room."Kendall smiled

Amanda crawled into my room and looked down.Kendall picked her up and placed her on his bed.Amanda blushed and shook her head.

"I don't bite." Kendall grinned

"I might." Amanda chuckled softly

"Just go to sleep.Don't worry." Kendall smiled.

Amanda nodded and layed down facing away from Kendall.Kendall smiled and blushed.

They both fell asleep but they both had a dream about each other.

best friends buddy //G18((under editing))Where stories live. Discover now