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I rolled out of bed.Were the hell is Amanda? I got up lazily and yawned.I threw on my slippers and walked out.

"Morning." Ryan yawned

"Morning man." I yawned

Carlos was passed out on the couch and I softly chuckled.I grabbed a cup of coffee and took a small sip.I rubbed my eyes.

"I might move back to Hawaii." I muttered

"Why?" Albi yawned walking out his room

"I feel homesick." I muttered

"when will you get back?" Ryan questioned

I shrugged.

"I don't know."

"What about Amanda?" Albi yawned

I sighed and put my coffee down.

"I'll text and call her." I sighed

"Do you think that will be enough?" Albi asked

I nodded slowly."Make sure she doesn't know about this."

Ryan and Albi nodded and drank there coffee.

I do feel homesick but how will Amanda react?

best friends buddy //G18((under editing))Where stories live. Discover now