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Amanda walked around her living room.Kendall had to get something but all she was thinking about was last night when they had sex. Kendall walked out and sat down.

"A-Amanda?" Kendall said

"Mmm yes Kendall?" Amanda muttered

Kendall gripped the small box in his jacket.

"Meet me at the lake in a few hours." Kendall stuttered before he walked out making Ryan, Jack, Albi and Carlos follow him.

"Dude ask her." Carlos muttered

Kendall sighed and gripped the box more.

"I'm scared she will say no." Kendall sighed

"You been dating for a year now Dolphin boy." Jack said

"Plus it think it will be cute for another crew member to get married." Albi muttered

"Who else is married?" Ryan asked to tease Jack

"Fuck you man." Jack muttered

"Guys!" Kendall said

"Another Brook Ken-"

"Don't say my last name." Kendall glared

"Sorry man." Carlos smirked

Kendall punched his arm lightly and laughed as Carlos faked whined.

"I need an appreciation day." Carlos whined

"After I get mine Jackass." Jack huffed

best friends buddy //G18((under editing))Where stories live. Discover now