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"Go home Erin." It speaks up in a moment of silence, Erin jumps at the sudden noise.
"Why?" Silence again... she gains no response for a while until the hairs on the back of her neck stand up and she feels a cold breath on her cheek,
"Kill them all-" it whispers close to her ear before slinking back down the drain. She stares at the end of the street and gets up slowly.
"Kill them all..." her shaky voice mutters, "Kill them all..." she continues, again. Every whisper gets more and more violent, lusting for blood, Erin runs down the road and stumbles on the stones in her driveway.
"Kill them all!" It possesses her body again- her limbs shake with excitement as she throws herself into the house going straight to the kitchen. Her cold fist grabs a knife hard and slows down. Her ears prick up as she hears voices- her parents are home, "kill them all..." Her voice trembles and she runs screaming at her mum. Her voice strains as she pleads after the knife slashes her multiple times before her corpse drops to the floor. Her dad stands on the bottom step with a look of despair-
"Erin- ERIN!" Gone. His eyes roll back in his head as his body falls lifeless into the doorway, Erin holds her fists tight- she stands in her parents pooling blood still shaking. The clown laughs inside her head and she squeezes her eyes shut. She needs to get out. Her hands loosen and the knife hits the floor with a crash. With that, she's disappeared back into the forest.
"They're dead..." she collapses in the river and hunches over her bloodied hands, "both of them... dead." Her face forms a grin as manic laughter rises over the treetops. She screams at the sunlight and smacks her hands in the water- crazy. Her victory is interrupted by a familiar figure, It...
"They're here too Erin-"
"Who?" She leans closer as it steps towards her. His feet touch the water and it parts in spirals around his cotton toed shoes.
"They're here..."
"Who's here?" She glances over her shoulder and back into two glazy eyes, she jumps suddenly as it is inches from her face. It grins as she shudders. Her limbs tingle as the clown shakes into a sinister giggle,
"You do as you promised and you'll get your boyfriend back..." it's lip drips again before she blinks and it's gone... Erin rubs her eyes and gulps as she stays quiet... who's here? A shout- the losers. She stands immediately, dismissing the head rush and hiding in the undergrowth,
"Fuck off Stan she can't be back." Richie grumbles,
"N- no I definitely saw her..." Bill stops them all as the get to the opposite bank in the river,
"Rock wars? Anyone?" Stan hits Richie's shoulder; Richie retaliates with a middle finger.
"No thanks." Beverly sits by the water and runs her cut hand through the stream.
"Yours still bleeding?" Eddie shrugs, Beverly nods.
"Mines pretty deep." Ben smiles at his wound and Mike purses his lip,
"Don't think you should be proud of that?"
"Yeah- we are now prone to infection. Bev I, you. You don't wanna put your hand in there- the waters all shitty. Keep your bandaid on and you'll-" snap. "Whatthefuckwasthat..." Eddie's eyes shoot and stare at the grass... the losers stand slowly-
"A bear?"
"Mike that's stupid-" Ben scoffs,
"I have seen b-bears round hh... here." Bill frowns at the foliage as it shuffles. Erin grins like a hyena on prey. She stays still, making sure they don't leave... a little while passes and they all seem to go about their business again.
"So you think it's really dead?" Beverly ties her hand again,
"M. It has to be." Eddie squints, "if it's not fucking dead I'll leave-"
"N-no you have to come back though..." Stan shakes his head at Bill's words.
"What. You afraid of a clown?" Richie wiggles his fingers, "mwahaha ooga booga-"
"Boo." Erin stands and the losers jump. A psychotic grin grows once again as she emerges from the undergrowth.

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