Mad man

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"What now?" Erin glances over her shoulder,
"We get some grub?" Henry brushes his hand through his hair.
"For who though?"
"Us of course. I'm fucking starving." Henry sniffs in the crisp air and breathes a heavy sigh. His breath visible as winter is nearing. Summer holidays are drawing to a close.
"But we have a-"
"Shh." He gently places a bloodied finger onto her lips and she takes his hand from her face.
"We need to get you cleaned up." She murmers softly; Erin drags him along by his wrist, determined to sort her mess of a boyfriend but thoughts dart through her mind... It wants food, It hasn't got full control of her yet... she slows her steps and Henry bubbles a laugh. Her hairs stand on end as her grip loosens. Un uneasy feeling pushes past her causing her eyes to well up and her palms to go clammy. She feels him step away.
"H- Henry..."
"Awe Erin..." shit. It's voice projects through Henry, Erin turns around carefully, her body stiff in fear, "I thought you would do better than this."
"What do you mean babe?"
"Babe! You really wanna date this!" Pennywise suddenly morphs his head causing Erin to yelp and stumble onto the forest floor. It turns back to Henry and she swallows hard, her throat as if she were eating shards of glass. Her lip quivers before he shuffles towards her. She scoots back, pushing the dirt under his feet, hoping he would fall. No. He continues to slink over, his arms dropped like a corpse and his face twisting into unholy- things... Henry stops and holds his hand out to her, his persona now 'normal.'
"Come on. You said we would go..."
"No. No- you're not Henry!" She splutters,
"I am... look." He gestures his body and she shakes her head frantically. "Come on Erin." He groans and she stands slowly. He begins to walk off and she skits after him. Silence for now, his heavy breathing becoming more audible. Erin's eyes are fixed on his hand as it trails into his pocket and clutches something... his fingers wrap around an object as he slowly brings it out and around to his front so she can't see.
"What's that Henry..." he stays quiet. "Henry?"
"Yaa!" With a swipe of his blade, Herny lunges back and cuts Erin's cheek. She staggers back, her hand clutching her wound, gasping at the pain.
"HENRY!" She holds out a pleading palm but he ignores. His eyes gloss over as he goes for another swing. She dodges and stands up in time to miss another. He flails his knife hard, aiming at her body. His hand aims down and hits her, he stabs her right between the ribs. She desperately tries to get away but he holds her close, the blade pushing further into her gut, twisting under the pressure, digging deeper in her skin. Inches from her face, Henry smiles with a wild glint,
"You just didn't get the cut." He takes the blade from her torso and let's her fall hard onto the ground, his fist clutching it hard. Tears flood her face as her vision turns blurry. Her head throbs as her breathing becomes shallow.
"Henry... why?" She gags on blood as he shakes his hands free of the tension before disappearing down the river path alone. Erin cries out in pain as her blood soaks the ground. She's got to move. Her limbs shake violently as she hauls herself up, hanging onto a branch. She has to get out of here. Where though... sirens ring in her ears as Henry is obviously caught. She can't go there. She watches the forest, her sight fading as her ears muffle with a static hum. Her hands tingle, her legs wobble and she shivers in the cold wind. Her feet carry her off of the dirt track and up to a road before she aimlessly wonders the streets of Derry. What now? A police car flies past, the tailwind throwing Erin into the side of a building. Henry screams from he back seat, her mind darting, her eyes closing... slow... slowing down. She slumps to the ground with her chin to her chest... let's just- let's take a nap...

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