I got your back

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"Hey fuckwhits." Erin lingers under a lone street lamp leaning on the hood of a car, opposite their table where they hoard junk food and cigarettes. They raise their eyes and stare from under their brows like mangey wild dogs. One, two, three, four. Easy pickings. Plus one is a scrawny child.
"What did you call us?" One speaks and she smiles evilly from the light. She steps closer to them and leans on their table with another cheeky grin. A couple sniff and turn back to their stash but the others glare.
"Where can a girl get a decent meal round here eh?" She boops the small one on the nose and he hisses a little. Nobody retaliates. "You guys got all the good stuff." She pinches a french fry and wonders slowly round them, brushing each of them across their backs as she looms above.
"What do you want?"
"I want you to say my name." She bites her lip and the oldest one smirks and gets up, he struts towards her and holds out his arms,
"I can call you what you want." His smile deepens. She knows how to play this lot. She shuffles inbetween a couple of them and chuckles as she makes herself comfy.
"Come sit." She offers him a seat opposite. He winks and does as he's told. She gazes into his eyes, picking at his soul. She smiles at him, he is dumb enough to be lured in. BOF. With a jab, her shoe kicks into his crotch as she grabs the two beside by the hair and bashes their faces onto the table. They all groan in pain as the kid gets up and panics.
"What the fuck!" He yells,
"Now listen up." She stands on the table and takes the chip packet, throwing them one by one at the kid. "I think you'll remember my friends, the two guys enjoying themselves at the fair a couple nights ago..." she leans back down and holds the oldest one by the chin as he writhes in pain, "the ones you called faggot?" She drops him, "now I don't like that." She hops down and follows the kid before easily tripping him up and placing her foot on the back of his hand and gently applying pressure onto the gravel below. "You, rudely interrupted their night out, hurt them both and then, PUSHED ONE OFF THE FUCKING BRIDGE!" She raises her voice and he yelps. "I would like you to apologise." He nods frantically and hits the ground like a beat boxer. Two get up and peruse her. She flicks him away and turns around. "Say," one gets a sharp kick to the knee, "sorry." The other a heavy punch in the gut. They choke, shouldn't let your guard down. These two submit, now for their ring leader. They see her confidently invade his space so they scurry like crabs from under a rock. He stands and holds his ground. "Apologise."
"Because you've seen what I can do. Now make sure I don't do it to you by saying sorry." He wipes the blood from his nose and spits on the ground. "I'll take that as a no." He lunges at her so she pulls herself away and slides around the back, while grabbing his thumb and twisting it behind his head, placing himself in a headlock. She quickly buckles his legs so he is on his knees, immobilized and choking under his own arm and wincing at his cracking thumb. She smiles and whispers close to his ear:
"I'm sure you remember me. You once cowered like this in the boys locker room when I found out you ditched Katie on your third date. You got what you wanted by the second and you were ready to scout another prize." She pushes on his thumb and he tries not to let out a sound, "I remember the time I locked you in you own car because you didn't show up to Henry's grandmother's funeral, he thought you were his friend." He splutters, "oh- is baby saying his first words?"
"Ding ding ding! You are correct." She throws him to the ground and makes sure his minions are watching before she gets to his level, patronising his disadvantage. "Now. Apologise." She holds her hand out and he looks up, Dom is in his car watching from under the lamp. The guy coughs and nods,
"Okay- sorry! I'm fucking sorry!"
"For what?"
"And most importantly?" She holds up her arm again,
"Hurting Adrian..." he weakens and falls again, broken. Finally. She smiles triumphantly and stands back up. She misses this. Power. The guy stumbles to his feet and she let's him run off like a lost lamb before making her way back to the car.
"Hear that?"
"All of it!" Dom smiles confused,
"You got your apologies. And at the same time I got mine. So we both got a little closure I guess." She wipes her bloodied knuckles off and gets back into the car.
"Did you have to hurt them?" He asks. She doesnt reply, she raises an eyebrow and purses her lips giving him the, they murdered your boyfriend. Look.
"Okay. Yeah you did."
"Come on then. I promised info on the clown. We gotta go to the library."
"Ugh books!" Don grumbles.
"Don't worry, I know the right one. The fat kid got one out years ago that he paraded round school for weeks. C'mon!" She ushers him on and he nods and drives towards the library.
"You know... you didn't have to beat them up for me?"
"I did." He raises his eyebrows and sniffs, "Don. I may have been a bitch to you previously, but I promise I have changed now. I'm not... cursed as much now I guess? Those years at the diner, serving people, meeting people, putting up with people... they numbed the pain of the past and now. Now I'm kinda normal-" she sighs, she actually has feelings now.
"You're not normal!" She gives him a dirty look. "You just single handedly beat the shit outta four men! That's pretty legit! Thank you. I never thought I'd be saying this to you especially, but... thank you." He smiles at her and she feels herself reflecting his sincerity.
"Stop being soppy." She brushes her hand and he chuckles a little. "But I- I got your back."

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