Chapter Five - Leah

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It has been over a week at her internship. She has spent most of her time reading new drafts for editors. She also read all of Adam Evans’s books. He wrote only a few books, but they were recognized for their quality. His work has been admired as much as the works of the greatest literary talents to have ever lived.
Some of the interns have secured their positions with editors; the only ones left were Leah, Amber, William, David and Charles.
Leah knew that if she does not find any position within three days, that those days were her last at Lorenzo publishing house.
Leah though has spent the better part of her time helping Samuel Reed. All that had been excitement for the past few days turned into fear. Fear of losing her chance.
It made it worse that she found out only four interns can have positions, because there are only four editors in need for assistants. Liam and Katie have already secured editors. Leah is hoping for Samuel Reed to choose her.
Leah then saw Amber running towards her.
“Hey, guess who got Nate?”Said Amber smiling.
“Do you mean Mr. Bilson?”
“He told me to call him Nate. He also kind of told me that I have to go out with him,” said Amber.
“That sounds much like sexual harassment, Amber.”
“It’s fine. Plus it may give Charlie an incentive to ask me out.”
Leah couldn’t help but be a little judgmental. She knew that Amber is just a foolish innocent girl still at heart. Leah knew Amber won’t think of Mr. Bilson as a man foul enough as to expect sex in return for her being his assistant.
Leah excused herself, when she saw Mr. Reed going into his office.
“Leah, how are you this morning?”
“Fine Mr. Reed. I finished ‘the Hell’s march’ and ‘Demon at my door’.”
“That was faster than I expected.”
“So sir, I think ---”
He interrupted her before she could explain her opinion on the books. He told her he would read it if she liked it. She liked that he held her opinion in such a high standard.
“What book is that?”He asked noticing the book in her hand.
“OH! Personal reading, sir,”said Leah offering him sight of the book.
“The Damned in Love by Adam Evans. That man is a mystery, although a great author.”
“What do you mean?”Asked Leah curious of his remark.
“For starters nobody knows about his personal life. He doesn’t answer questions about his life. The first book he ever wrote made him famous, but no one still knows about his life. He doesn’t do interviews. He doesn’t have any friends either.”
Leah’s mind jumped from one thought to another. She left the office and started to wonder. She did a search on Adam Evans. It was like he did not exist before two years. There was also no picture of Adam Evans. Not even his book had a picture of him. She then looked up Adam Johnson.
Adam Johnson was the second son to Jimmy Johnson II and Sarah Johnson, and an heir to his vast fortune. He had been the case of the biggest search in New Orleans history. Leah remembered being one of the search parties.
Leah became certain of the truth. She remembered their encounter. She then put together their conversation. She particularly remembered the last thing he spoke to her. He had said he did not know ‘Adam Johnson’. She never mentioned the last name to him. She only called him Adam. He knew the name Johnson.
She went directly to Mr. Campbell and told him that she was to get some paperwork from the record room. He was busy with other things so he just offered her keys he had. She knew that the post should have his address for the interactions he has with the publishing house.
She immediately found the days post and found his address. She didn’t waste time after giving back the keys.
Finally she stood in front of a door. She is decided on confronting Adam. She knocked bravely. She didn’t know what she was to say. She felt lost of words. She was left speechless.
The door was opened and it was him. He stared at her for a while when she could finally speak a word.
“Who are you?”

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