Chapter Six - Adam

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There Leah stood at his door asking the one question he dreaded. He didn't know how to reply.
"Who are you?" asked Leah.
"You wouldn't have been here if you did not the answer."
"Adam?"Said Leah her eyes tearing up.
She hugged Adam weeping. He hugged her after a little hesitation.
"Adam. What happened to you?"
She still hasn't let go off him.
Still at the doorway they stood hugging. Leah released him and stood waiting for an answer.
"We all thought you were dead. Your parents were torn apart."
Adam smirked imagining his father being sad that he disappeared.
"Come in."
He said leading her inside. He led her to the room he destroyed a few days ago, which now looks intact.
She sat on the couch and he brought her a glass of water. She was shaking a little bit. She then went on to ask how and why he disappeared. She told him about his mother and brother. She also told him how his father wouldn't leave his mansion since then.
He is probably celebrating Adam thought.
"How are your parents?"
The first thing he asked her is about her parents.
"They are okay," she said. For a few minutes they talked about Leah's life, no matter how many times she tried to bring up his life.
"We should call your parents. You should go there---"
He instantly stood up and went for his balcony. He turned angry and dark in an instant.
"What do you mean how can you say that? How can you be this insensitive? They think their son is dead. They think you are dead. How can you live with that?"
"They are not suffering, even if they were its not my problem. I am not going to talk with them and you are not telling them either."
"When did you become like this? I don't even recognize you, Adam."
"People change Leah, get over it. I don't care what happens to those people and you are not going to tell them anything about me."
Adam could see her attitude change. She slapped him before he could expect anything.
"How cruel can someone be!"
He reacted neither to the slap nor to what she had said. She headed for the door angry by each step. He turned her around to face him before she had gotten to the door.
"Leah, please tell me you will not tell anyone. Can you please do that for me?"
"They don't deserve to feel like this."
Then she opened the door to leave, but he slammed it shut.
He looked even more furious. He dragged her back into the room.
"Adam, let me go."
He let her go and started unbuttoning his shirt.
"What are you doing?" she asked nervous.
"You said they don't deserve it."
He took off his shirt and let her see his body. He took her arm and took it to the side of his chest to a scar.
"I was 11, I cried too loud."
He took her hand to another scar on his side.
"It was my 9th birthday, I wanted to have cake."
He went to his scar right above that scar.
"12 years old, I spilled my father's bourbon."
Leah is speechless. He wasn't even half done with his wounds.
"Tell me what they deserve."
He said showing her his chest. He turned his back on her. She saw horrific wounds. There were six wounds on his back. All looked like they were caused by a whip.
"You want to see more." He roared.
He opened the closet by the wall. It contained journals within it. He took one after the other and started throwing it down.
"Five, Six, Seven --- Go ahead. You will see what they deserve."
He stormed to another room, leaving Leah in a room with journals on the floor and a few more in the closet bookcase.

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