Chapter Nine - Leah

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Leah had forgotten all about her internship the publishing house. She was so lost when Adam asked her to spend the day with him. She forgot everything and she had missed a day without telling anyone. Tomorrow is the last day of her internship. She would either transition from intern to assistant or from intern to un-employed.
“So how is working at Lorenzo’s?”
Leah explained her situation to Adam. She explained how her internship worked. She told him what may happen if Samuel Reed does not choose her. She was too happy with Adam though to be worried with missing one day.
She liked Adam, now even more than she used to when they were children. His comments about never wanting a relationship discouraged her though.
Leah was beautiful enough to attract most men, she hadn’t wanted any of them though. Now when she may want it, she doubts herself. A question kept spinning in her mind. ‘Do I have what he desires?’ She didn’t totally understand what he had meant by someone he agrees with.
She also does not think like him, she believes that love is in the heart. She has spent her life being the object of pursuit and never wanting any of it. Now she was in the place of all her pursuers. She thought to herself everything in life always comes full circle.
She wanted a love story like the one that were on the pages of his books. He had written all those words, he must believe in some of it.
Adam took Leah to her apartment. She thanked him for the ride and for the great day she spent. Leah then went upstairs and saw her stuff at her door. Her bags, her clothes and all items she brought into the apartment. Leah did not understand what was happening. She went to her land-lord’s door and started knocking for an explanation.
The landlord is a selfish, fat man who abused his tenants. Leah didn’t have many options though, so she had taken his apartment.
He opened the door and asked Leah what she wanted.
“What do you mean ‘What do I want’. My stuff is all outside and my key is not working.”
“Pay rent first then we’ll talk.”
“I paid already, I am good for two months.”
Leah had already paid three months in advance last month. She knows that she has two months left because she spent most of her savings for the rent.
“To stay in this apartment you must pay another month’s advance now. Pay me now and get the key.”
“I paid the rent with the last I had. I don’t have---”
He closed the door the moment she said that she had no money. He slammed the door in her face. Leah does not know what she will do. She couldn’t ask for her money back because he had shut his door on her. She was furious at the man but she was afraid. She is in a city alone without a place to stay. She didn’t know what to do, she took one bag and went down back to the door.
Leah did not know who to call on except Adam. She just told him to come back to where he dropped her off.
After a few minutes of waiting, his car pulled up in the rain.
“You are going to rob me of a second night sleep,” said Adam getting out of his car.
Leah is crying sitting at the steps in the rain. He had not noticed it until he got around his car. Adam ran to her.
“Leah, Are you okay?”
“LEAH. Tell me what’s happening.”
When Adam noticed she was cold, He took off his jacket instantly and put it around her.
Leah told him that she has no place to stay.
“I am sorry, I didn’t have anyone else to call.”
“Come with me,” said Adam taking her to his car.
“You’re staying with me. I will go get your stuff.”
Leah objected to him carrying her bags but he won’t hear of it. He brought down her bags. He then started his engine and asked Leah why it happened. Leah told him  everything. He turned off his engine and told her he forgot one bag. About two minutes later, he came down told her he made a mistake.

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