Chapter 1

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●Virgil P.O.V●

Life has been hell. Ever since I can remember I've never had a peaceful day. My father being a raging alcoholic would always take his anger out on me, the child he never wanted. My mother has pretended I don't exist since I was six and sometimes it makes me question if I'm real at all. I guess that when I started cutting. To prove to myself that I was still alive. The only thing of comfort to me was my music and even that wasn't enough to drown out my panic attacks I would have daily and then one day it all was just too much.

"Your a brat and a sorry excuse of a man!" My father screamed as he kicked me in the chest again. I had made the mistake trying to take some snacks in my room to eat... it was my 14th birthday today... I just wanted to celebrate a little by myself. My body was shaking violently, I couldn't breathe, it was all too much! My mother came into the room after all of the yelled and just stared at me... maybe she was glaring at me... she went to grab my arm and I freaked. Suddenly a huge blast of energy released from my body and shot both of them back hard. I knew I was screaming but I couldn't hear it. Finally after calming down a little, I lift my head up to look around... I had shattered everything made of glass... and there laying in a pool of blood was my mother... she had been too close to my blast and I couldn't tell if she was breathing or not. In a panic I jumped up and ran out of the house without stopping until I felt like my lungs might give out. Stopping in a dark alley.

"Wow kid, gotta hand it to you, that was power," someone said stepping out of the shadows behind me. My eyes widened in fear. The guy looked only a few years older than me, brown hair but what stopped me was that half of his face had scales like a snake and a yellow eye that looked like it was glowing.

"What are you talking about?" I asked as I tried to start walking backwards slowly. He also began to walk closer to me.

"No need to hide from me. I felt your power. But I also felt your pain. Your in a lot of it, correct?" He asked. That made me stop in my tracks. No one had ever asked me that... no one had ever cared before. The more I looked at him, the less scary he became. After a few moments of silence he held out his hand to me.

"The names Dean. If your willing I have a place where you will be accepted." He gave me a half smile. Thinking it over... it wouldn't be so bad to be wanted. I couldn't go back home.. not after what I did. I took hold of his hand and we vanished.

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