Rules & Requirements

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These are guidelines to ensure that the club flows smoothly, so please follow them carefully.


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1. Your book must have at least three chapters published and edited. Your book can be completed. If you meet the minimum requirement for chapters you'll need to be consistently updating your story. I'm not talking about perfect editing but what I don't want to see is text chat or horrible grammar that effects reading your book.

Example of what your work should not look like: "I wuz goin to the store and there I saw hmi waiting in line and I immediately fell in love with soft hair he looked back at me and..."

The point of this book club is for authors to get meaningful readers, advice, and critiques that aren't shallow. So when you write a very rough first drafts the advice isn't going to be meaningful and it's not fair to you or the reader. Of course I'm not expecting perfect grammar or spelling because we all make mistakes and miss things. It just needs have the proper framework.

Other requirements for your books; the chapters cannot be over 3,000 words. This is to ensure that everything is mostly even when reading.

2. When you're reading your assigned partners chapters you must leave meaningful comments. You're welcome to leave inline comments or a long one at the end of the chapter; however, it needs to be a minimum of 50 words of meaningful advice, reactions, and critique. Though I encourage everyone to go over 50 words. This is the same for groups.

Example of what not to do when commenting: "I really like this chapter, that was so funny when you made the characters dance! lollll niceee"

Comments like that are okay when you're demonstrating that you're paying attention/reading but I don't want that to be the only thing you're saying to the author. The point of commenting, here in this book club, is to hopefully help the author improve their work or state something insightful. This also does not meet the word requirements. If I see your are only commenting things like this to reach a minimum word requirement I will give you a warning. If you're worried that a comment isn't critical/sufficient just tag me (jayelana) in the comment and I will review it.

3. Don't be afraid of giving criticism or receiving it. We all want to improve. Sometimes we might not like what other have to say about our works and thats okay. As critics our job is to be helpful, not hurtful. If I feel your criticism to another is not criticism you will receive a warning. Bullying is not tolerated here or on the Wattpad website and I will report you for it.

Example: "He walked to the car and opened the door but before he did he stopped. Jeremy looked behind him to see Amy still there, waiting for him"

A critical helpful comment might say... "I think you can rephrase this is elevate the tone emotion you're trying to convey of longing. It might sound better to omit 'and he opened the door' as well as the repetitiveness of 'he' then go into more detail of him turning around..." etc. The comment respectfully gives the opinion and suggestions for correction. So if you receive a comment along the lines of this, don't take it harshly. Critical comments are not meant to hurt you. They're there to help your writing.

An unhelpful and not tolerated comment might say... "your writing really sucks and you need to get rid of this of this sentence because it sucks." This comment is not critical. In fact, it does nothing to help the author at all. It does not give any reason as to why the sentence sucked or what they could do to fix it. This will earn you a warning. Second offense will result in a strike. Mean and what some would view as "straight up critiques" may result in removal from the club.

4. As a member of the club you need to complete your assigned tasks in the time period. For any reason you need to skip a round (or have an inability to continue) please let me know. Time extensions are allowed, you just need to let me know in advance with what is going on. This is a committing environment where we engage with one another, but if you just want to stay for a little bit, there is no harm in that.

5. We are a community, so act like it! Be kind and respectful to one another! I want to create a positive place where we can boost our writing skills and make new friends. This is a place to engage with each other and have fun! I don't want anyone to feel like this is a chore or boring. If you feel that after awhile this book club doesn't spark your interest anymore, you're welcome to leave just make sure you let me know!

As the moderator of the book club I will be checking that you've completed your tasks. These rules may change and evolve over time. I will always make an announcement when I amend these rules or anything else apart of this club.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to comment or contact me. I will get back to them as soon as I can.

 I will get back to them as soon as I can

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