'I'm So Into You, Into You..into you...'

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Jungkook POV

"I'm sorry..." Taehyung mutters, going redder then red. His jaw clenching, and his cheekbones becoming more prominent on his god-made face.

"I..." I say, trying to speak, but nothing really wants to come out of my mouth.

"Kook..you don't ha-"

"No, fuck it. I love you, Tae.."

"I love you too," he says, grabbing the sides of my face is a shaking grasp, and pushing his lips onto mine softly. He kisses me passionately, arms lingering around my neck, finger twirling the long pieces of my hair. Even with his broken body, broken heart, b-broken mind...he still knows how to treat me right..Love me right.

I pull back suddenly, and look down, placing my fists onto my thighs, "Tae, you define perfect in every single fucking way~"

__ __ __

Jimin POV

"Y-you think Tae is okay?" Yoongi says, "I think he hate, h-hates me..." He clenches his hands into fists, but I rest my finger tips softly on each finger, alinging them to perfection.

"You're stressing yourself out too much, baby. Tae-Tae, a-and Kookie a-are a m-match ma-" I stutter out, pulling a hand to my forehead. My vision blurs, flashing lights, and colors blocking my vison.

"Are you okay ChimChim?" Yoongi has worriedly, his hands caressing my neck cheeks soft, "B-baby?"

"I lied," I say, falling back onto the pillow, regaining my vision oh-so-suddenly. "I li-lied to you. T-to everyone, b-babe.."

"That's okay," he says comfortingly, "We all learn from our mistakes. Lying, sadly, is human nature. We all do it. A-and you had all the right, and wrong reasons too lie. It's okay to do something wrong, it doesn't mean you messed up. Y-you're perfect Chi-chimchim, you aren't able to mess up, even if you tried to."

"I haven't been eating like you've asked me to.." I say, my voice cracking as I cry softly to him, "I-i mean I have a bit, but I purge out w-when I can..I work out as much as I can squeeze it. I count my calories, my mind has become an instant calculator."

He takes me into his arm, and kisses my cold forehead with his healing lips, "Shh..baby. It's okay. It'll all be okay. I'm really gonna help you. This time I promise, I wasn't good enough before. Never will be, but that's fate for you, hah.."

"You're an idiot when it comes to fate," I say, kissing his cheek.

He chuckles, "Well aren't you sassy baby."

He brushes soft fingertips along my skin, washing away the flood of tears, "I love you."

__ __ __ Time Skip to Next Morning Flight __ __ __

Taehyung POV

I groan, pulling my bag over my shoulders, "Hyung, walk faster," the youngest says, my Jungkookie.

I mimic him, "Hyung, walk faster." I run up, and duck my head, still managing to bonk it on the door, and roof of the jet. The jet is luxurious, but damn is it short in height (This literally happened to me, and I'm only 5"7 lol).

"Stop making fun of meee," Jungkook says, taking the set beside me.

"Yada, yada. Stop blabbering kook," I say, placing my arms crossed on the table Jungkook folded out from beside the mini tv near the window, next to the larger movie screen.

"Blabbering? Fine, I'll shut up then," he says, crossing his arms with a 'hmph.'

"Or I'll shut you up," I chuckle, kissing his lips softly, "I'm just playing around, Kookie!~"

"Yah, I knew this would happen," Yoongi scoffs, him and Jimin taking the seats across from us. Yoongi alongside the window, alike I. And Jimin on the aisle side, alike Jungkook.

"TaeTae being a sarcastic, but cute as hell, ass?" Jungkook says, raising an eyebrow at both Yoongi and Jimin.

The couple laughs, "That just about answers my thought, Kook."

"It's not official..." I mutter.

"Now it is," Jungkook says, winking at me, trying to make it 'subtle.'

"You sneaky sneaky fox," I say, making a face at him.

"Darn right sneaky," Jimin says, "You two goofs fit each other quite well. No doubt it that, on my part."

Yoongi nods in agreement with Jimin, "Goofs...heh.."

"What was that sound you just made?" Namjoon hyung says, poking his head in from between Jimin and Yoongi's seats, "Heh...?"

"Yah, it was cute. Yoongi is a cute," Jimin scoffs, "Everything! He! Says! Is! Aegyo! (애교)."

"Hey Jin," Namjoon says, nodding his head.

"Yeah?" Jin says, from across the jet, putting a blanket on the already passed out Hobi. Damn that man can sleep like his life depends on it, well..it does. It does.

"Date me," Namjoon says, "I want love."

"Uhm..." Jin says, turning red at the sudden action, "Because of Jimin and Yoongi...?"

"Yes, because of Yoonmin AND Taekook!" he groans, "Forever single, is not the path I want."

"You really want a taste of Mr. World Wide Handsome...I guess you can be Mrs. World Wide Handsome," Jin shrugs, smiling at Namjoon.

"I was thinking more.... you're World Wide Handsome, and I'm world wide cutie guy," Namjoon says, winking at Jin.

"This is getting intense," Jungkook says, as Jimin claps his hands, shaking his head back.

I lay my head against the side of the jet, as the plane takes off. Take offs still scare me, I don't tell anyone that they do. Because...makes me seem childish.

I start shaking again, almost as bad as last night. 'What's wrong with me?' I ask myself over and over again. Until I realize my blurry vision from the rainfall of tears along my face, and eyelashes.

"Tae?" Everyone says, noticing my broken expression and actions.

*** __ *** __ *** __ *** __ *** __ *** __ ***

wow these are getting longer! yayyyyy! i loved writing this, though. I always love writing, heh <3 thanks for reading :) ily all sm, ty for all the love and support <33333

should I start putting word counts up per each chapter? lol just a thought though lol. <3 <3

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