Baby Bunny

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Taehyung POV

"Baby bunny~" I hum, as Jungkook awakens from his slumber. He slept so much on the plane, but it surely hadn't done any good for his new found fever. It was high, and he looked awful. We all felt so bad, he isn't doing good both physically and mentally at the moment. It worries me so much, and my anger for Jimin is growing on. I didn't want to be rude, I didn't want drama. I don't know what I want; other then not falling into my dark place again. If it ever happens again, I'd like to go to sleep and never wake up again. Gladly, of course.

"Baby," he mumbled, as he realized we're the only people in the car, "oh shit, let's get out.." he holds his hand to his head and lets out a little groan. I don't think the medication helped.

"It's okay," I say, as I hold his hand in the process of exiting the car. We follow everyone inside the hotel, and make it all the way to the elevator. Jungkook still looked like his head was exploding.

"damn it," Jungkook sighs, as he puts his head to my shoulder, "it hurts so bad. Why won't it just... stop for just a little second? Yeah, that would make things so much easier for me. I wouldn't, I mean.. I'm sorry Tae."

I shake my head, and guide him into the elevator with everyone, "don't worry about it. Just clear your head as much as possible, it helps the headache if you aren't worrying so much. You have nothing to worry about right now, everything is taken care of."

"I'm worrying about you all worrying about me. I'm fine," he states, as I stare at the numbers on the elevator moving up slowly before my eyes.

"You have a high fever, kooks," I slur out, as we head into the massive hotel room. We're seven people, why wouldn't it be a bit big? Once we had a small place, and three people shared a bed each. I got to sleep alone then, just out of pure luck. And my rock, paper, scissors skills. Those contributed to the choosing greatly.

"It'll go down, it'll go down," he hums to himself, "are we sharing a bedroom? I don't think I'll be able to sleep without you..." My cheeks blush up, and I stare at the smirk on his face. Even when he isn't feeling great, he sure knows how to cheer himself up. Along with the other people around him, like me. God, this man has been sent to me from heaven.

I tilt my head, "of course Jungkook-ah, let's go in then?" he nods and we proceed in quickly, not wanting to waste any of time. Who knew, a wild BTS member could run in at any moment!

We bring ourselves and our bags into the bedroom, closing the door behind us. Unzipping them, we leave them in front of the bed, knowing that we'd be flying somewhere else within minimal days. 2-10, usually.

I sit beside Jungkook on the bed, and he looks... sad now. You holding up okay?" I ask, stroking a hand down his cheek, "still feeling a bit low?"

"My fever is high, so I don't think that makes much sense," he says, tapping his fingers on my other hand, "I just don't know how to feel, Tae. Should I be mad, sad, aggravated, happy? How should I be feeling? I feel nothing, but that nothing feels like something. That something is just there, and is left untouched, un-cracked. It's pissing me off, because I, myself, should know exactly how I feel at all times. But now I don't, and I can't bare the thought right now. It makes no sense too me, yet, it feels just right. I think I feel... just right. Here, with you."

I let his words sink in, and make eye contact, "I do too, but really. Stop lying to yourself, how are you really feeling inside right now?"

"In love with you," he giggles as he kisses my cheek. Any other day, any other moment. I would have been extremely into it, but I'd rather leave what I want to the side for now. My Jungkook, is number one priority right now. No matter how big or small the cost may be.

"Stop ignoring my question, I love you too. I know you love me. But how are you really feeling about the whole Jimin thing? Don't make me spell the question out for you, baby," I say, laying back, as he rests his head on my chest gently. It feels just right, and perfect where he is on me. Making this boy happy, feels right, and like fate. Like pure destiny for the two of us.

"Relieved? No, that's not it. I feel upset at myself because I know Jimin better then that, and he didn't mean any of what he said to hurt me. He meant it to hurt himself, and that's what hurts the most about it.." he says, "Jimin, he hasn't been truly happy for a long time. He won't let himself be happy until everyone else around him is okay. Even though he may not show it too obviously, or talk about it aloud, it's what Jimin does. Jimin is last on his to - care - for - list. Like, as long as he's alive, he won't check up on himself. Do you get where I'm going with this? I don't know if I'm really making much sense."

"I do get it," I say, "sadly, but I really do get what you're saying. You aren't mad at him, not even a bit?" he stares off into space, and I wonder what he's thinking about. I've always wished to get into his headspace, it would be cool to see life from a different point of view. To be able to get into someone's head, and know why they do what they do to themselves and to others.

"Nope, not even a bit. Not in the way everyone thinks I am. Everyone thinks that I'm mad because he said something pretty offensive. But he didn't say it to me, it really just said it to himself. But he took out his own regret and anger on someone else, which he doesn't do much but I've known about it enough to under stand to a good amount, the issue going on here. I'm going to fix it," he states, pulling me in from a quick kiss, "and you're going to help me, right baby?"

I smile, and nod, "anything for you."


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