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so, y'all probably heard about the situation with ter stegen and the german nt.
i wanted to talk about it. read this through thoroughly and then comment your opinion, please.

first of all, i do think it was wrong of him to adress this in the media first, he should've talked with löw about it.
but sometimes you can't just hold it in anymore and i understand that he's probably angry about this. you all have most certainly had this kind if situation once in your life, where you are just too mad to do rational things.

to the context of his comment: i completely agree with him. he's an a-class goalkeeper, and still löw doesn't really give him a chance.
by no means am i trying to imply that neuer is bad, but he is just finding back to his world class form. a few months ago he was out of form, and löw still left him as the goalkeeper. and the argument for that is, that he's the captain? of course, he's an experienced player, but the german nt has more than one of this sort. in that time ter stegen was clearly the better goalie. and people are talking about him not being in sync with the defense could be bad, but if we don't give him a chance to get in sync with the team, then he'll never be.

i think it's a shame and wasted talent to do such thing. if löw would've just given him the chance to play 90 minutes for a few matches in a row, he could've really shown his true talent. and he is very good and i think he has every right to complain about it. he did it in the wrong way, yes, but nevertheless he has every right to feel treated unfair in this situation.

it has all happened now, we can't change the fact that he didn't get practice, we also can't change the fact that he complained about it in such a way, but we can learn from it. try to give people chances, try new things and don't always stick to the same old things.

and just to clarify it even further: i am in no way saying that manuel neuer isn't a good goalkeeper, but he had a bad and hard time after the world cup, just like the rest of the team. he will always be a legend, but sometimes we just have to accept that someone is not as good in something as he used to be.

what do we also learn from this? communication is the key to everything

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2019 ⏰

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