The hangout

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You turn around to see Shotō calling you. He runs up to you , heavily breathing he says " (y/n) seeing as your my friend wanna come over to my place to do homework?" You reply " sure my parents aren't home so they won't notice that I'm gone." You start walking to his place talking about quirks and classmates. When you arrive your mouth drops to how big his house is "T-this is your house?"you mutter. "Yea,sorry if you don't like it." He apologized " Don't like it?! It's spectacular!" He giggles and you both start walking to the entrance of his house. He opens the door for you and you give him a big smile. He starts to lead you to his room

Once you arrive from walking through what felt like a maze but was actually his hallways you arrive in his room. Once again he opens the door for you. As you entered he quietly closed the door. He takes your bag off your back and starts and asks for permission to look through your bag for you homework. He takes out the homework and sits down on the bed with it you join him and you both start working on tour homework.
                                           ~TIME SKIP~
When you were finished with the homework Shotō asked "you wanna watch a movie?" You reply "Sure why not?" Shotō plays the new horror movie 'The Nun' As you were watching the movie you would cuddle up with shotō because of the jumpscares. You both did not think much about the cuddling because you just me today.

Shotō p.o.v
(Y/n) was cuddling with me when the scary parts came. I could not help but notice how cute she was. WAIT WHAT AM I SAYING I just met her today but I can't deny she is kinda cute. I look down at her one more time to see her cute face just one more time and what I saw was not what I was expecting at all. When I looked down at her I could see her........

  Yandere Todoroki x reader 🍋 🍋Where stories live. Discover now