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yes, you've read the title correctly.

sacrifices WILL be back.

i know no one reads this but i had this urge to write a note since i hardly post a chapter. i promise you guys that i won't unpublish this book, and i won't. i'll just unpublish all the chapters i have posted.

i have decided to focus more on my studies, that is why i am hardly on wattpad or writing new chapters. but don't worry, i'll be writing more soon.

as of now, i have been currently writing chapter three of sacrifices and have tons of new ideas for new anime aus (which i hopefully would publish soon).

i'm estimating that i'll be back writing or publishing sacrifices around the third or fourth week of october and during the third or fourth of december. i'll be fully active on may 2020, since classes would be finished by then and summer break would've start.

i will update you guys by using this book and my other books, so don't need to worry. or you can simply check my message board.

if you want to see my cry or be overwhelmed with joy, go follow my twitter account/s: @keiitrcha (kpop stan account) or @aphhongkong (anime stan account). and if you don't have twitter, my instagram account is @kateu.trash and i usually shitpost there. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

i hope you'll be patient enough to wait for sacrifices (and me lmao) to come back. thank you for understanding ♡

110919 update:

hi everyone! as of now, i'm currently writing chapter six of sacrifices. i won't be publishing any chapters today because of my exams which are coming up soon but i estimate that i will be publishing this on the last week of april since my exams (and school) are done by then!

for the meantime, please be patient and thank you!

112519 update:

hello everyone! for now, i will be publishing the introduction and prologue of sacrifices today! i know it's sudden (i'm still stuck writing at chapter seven lmao) but i would want you guys to wait for a bit hehe

i'll be proofreading the prologue a bit before i'll publish it tonight. i might also change some scenes in the story so sorry if you liked the original one.

that's all, thank you for patiently waiting ♡

Sacrifices | USUK (HIATUS!)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu