Chapter 2

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Jordan arrived at Penny Wise’s house and was greeted by Penny’s mother, a tall thin-framed woman with a sharp-featured face that showed signs of aging in the form of crow’s feet and smile lines. She was dressed in a man’s shirt and slacks. That struck Jordan as being strange. Surely, she isn’t odd, he thought, not that that would have bothered him. However Penny did say ‘parents’ when she mentioned that she was being tutored. At this point he didn’t know what to think, but he suspected that she was widowed.

“I’m Jordan Hirsh,” he said, trying not to sound too formal.

“Come in, Jordan,” her mother said in a gravely voice. “Penny told me all about you. She’s in the basement.”

Interesting, Jordan thought. This house has plenty of rooms. Why is it necessary to meet in the basement?

Penny’s mother escorted him to a door that led to the basement. She gave him a warm smile before watching him go down the stairs to a basement that had been formed out of walls lined with limestone. He was surprised that it didn’t smell musty as basements tended to do.

Penny and her group were in a room in the back of the basement. Jordan came through the door to this room and found her and the others sitting in high backed wooden chairs around a large round wooden table.

Penny got up, went to Jordan and put a hand on his shoulder before looking at the others. “This is Jordan, everyone.” Penny was wearing a light blue long sleeved blouse and a navy blue skirt that went to the knees. A wide belt with a brass buckle complemented it in a rugged sort of way.

The others introduced themselves.

The only boy was a dark skinned African. He was muscular and taller than Jordan. His face had a chiseled look with deep-set eyes and a broad nose. He was dressed in blue jeans and a short-sleeved tight-fitting Hunter green tee that advertised his muscles.

“Hello, Jordan. I am Milo Willis. Welcome to our coven of devil hunters.”

Penny gave Milo a scolding frown.

Jordan nodded and wondered how Milo had been christened with an unusual name for an African male. “Thank you.”

A Hispanic girl went next. She had curly raven hair that went down to her shoulders and framed a copper toned face that sported large long-lashed eyes and luscious red lips. She had on a short lavender pleated skirt and a short sleeved silver blouse that was unbuttoned down to her mid chest.

“I’m Carmen Diego, and I’m pleased as punch that you could come, Jordan,” she said in an ebulliently playful voice.

“Thank you,” Jordan replied with a subtle smile.

The second girl had long braided red hair and fiery eyes to match. Her upturned nose and thin lips hinted of a haughty nature. She had on a black jumper dress over a lavender blouse, and her legs were encased in black netted stockings.

“My name’s Harriett Philips, Jordan. I hope that you feel welcome here,” she said in a sultry voice.”

“I do,” he replied, nodding.

Penny gestured to an empty chair. “Have a seat, Jordan. We were just discussing Milton’s Paradise Lost.”

Jordan sat down and glanced at each of the others seated at the table. “And, what have you concluded?”

“That Milton was an antimonarchist,” Penny said.

“Ah,” Jordan said. “You ascribe to the political theme, not the theological interpretation.”

“Penny smiled and glanced at the others. “See, I told you that he is the one.”

 “And, which do you ascribe to?” Milo asked, presenting a serous expression.

“I believe that Milton was trying to describe the conflict between Satan and God by employing the theatrical concept of civil war, but one must consider his arguments against idolatry and his obvious rejection of Catholicism, which earned him criticism.”

“Do you believe that Satan’s plan is wicked?” Harriett asked.

“As opposed to God’s as being innocent?” Jordan asked back.

“I believe that you are one of the chosen,” Penny said. “We have been searching for you for quite some time.”

“Chosen for what?” Jordan asked, varying his gaze around the group.

“Chosen to be a member of the League of St. Claire,” Penny said.

Jordan rubbed his chin. “An interesting name. Did you name it after the park?”

“No,” Penny said. “It is for Saint Claire of Assisi.”

“You mean the woman who formed a monastic order and was directed by the great Saint Francis of Assisi?”

“Yes, Jordan.”

“Why the League of St. Claire? You’re not a monastic order nor do you follow her Rules of Life.”

“The fact that you know so much about her proves that you are the one.”

“The one what?”

“The one who will complete our Circle; we are dedicated to fighting the Antichrist.”

“You really are into Milton. How could five young people like us fight the Antichrist?”

“The Antichrist we seek is the one mentioned in Revelation,” Milo said.

“I assume that you’re referring to The Beast from the Earth as mentioned in Revelation 13, the one that many call the False Prophet?”

Milo turned to the others. “He has my vote.”

“Mine too,” Harriett said.

“I’m in,” Carmen said.

Penny smiled at Jordan. “You are now an official member of the League, Jordan.”

Jordan had no idea what that entails, but he was really curious now. He could see why Milo’s comment about being a ‘coven of devil hunters’ fits this League of St. Claire of theirs. One thing was for sure; his curiosity had risen to a much higher level, and he just had to know what they were up to.

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