Chapter 15

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The next morning they gathered for breakfast. George and Jordan had cooked eggs and bacon to go along with fresh milk. All of them were dressed in the new super hero costumes.

“We certainly can’t go into the future dressed like this unless we mean business,” Milo said. “These suits stick out like sore thumbs.”

“In a way, you’re right, Milo,” Penny said. “However, we will not go into the future until I detect Peron’s presence.”

“We can’t stay here much longer,” Harriett pointed out. “We have to go back to school next week. Besides, our parents will be concerned about us staying up here so long.”

“I agree,” Penny said. “We will designate this cabin as our headquarters. “When I have detected Peron’s presence in the future, we will gather here and go after him. We still have a few more days before we have to return home. With luck we may fulfill our destinies before then.”

“What are we going to do while we wait?” Harriett asked.

Penny’s expression turned more playful. Her eyes flashed with excitement when she said: “I would like to practice formation flying.”

“What?” Milo said. “You mean we’re going to fly in airplanes?”

“No, Milo. We’re going to fly without any contrivances.”

Geoffrey waved a hand as if signaling a timeout. “Wait a minute. That’s crazy.”

Penny smiled confidently. “Actually, it’s not. We must learn to maneuver in formation if we’re going to defeat demons.” She pointed at him. “You and your friends have had the same powers that we do. You just didn’t realize it.”

“I find that hard to believe,” Geoffrey said, sounding offended. “We certainly would have known that we could fly.”

Penny rubbed a finger across her lips. “Maybe not. It might have something to do with quantum entanglement. Your inexorably fortunate encounter with us might have triggered a shift in the time-space continuum with the effect of merging our destinies and our powers.”

Milo stood up and held a fist out. “Let’s see if this is true.”

The others stood and touched fists with his. Suddenly, they were in an open meadow not far from the cabin.

Milo held a hand out palm up to Penny. “You must lead.”

Penny jumped up and zoomed up like a rocket. Jordan followed her and then the others came after him. Moving at many times Mach speed, they followed Penny up into the stratosphere high above the Earth, almost to the edge of space. Despite being over a hundred and sixty thousand feet high, not one of them had any problems with the lack of oxygen.

Suddenly, Penny stopped and the rest stopped near her. They hovered in place nearly out into space.

“We are one,” Penny said, her eyes glistening with realized dreams. “And as one, we will defeat the forces of evil.” She thrust her fist out and the others did the same.

Penny flipped over and flew down, and the others followed her. They formed a V-formation and leveled out a three thousand feet before spitting into two columns, one led by Penny, the other led by Jordan. The two columns curved away and then zoomed back to form op into a V-formation again before coming back to land near the cabin.

Jordan saw his grandfather standing near the porch looking afraid. “I hope you won’t tell anyone about what you’ve seen, grandfather.”

“They wouldn’t believe me,” he said with his eyes still wide with wonder.

“Let’s see if we can help the British,” Milo said.

“Wouldn’t that upset the time-space continuum?” Jordan asked, squinting.

“I don’t think so. It’s our destiny to save the world.”

No one cared to argue with that premise.

“The time will be propitious,” Penny said before leaping up into the air.

The others flew after her as she crossed the Jersey shore and rocketed into the North Atlantic. In a matter of a few minutes, they were over the British Isles and heading toward the port of Dover. Spitfires and Me-109’s were locked in combat as He 111’s and Ju 88’s dropped bombs on ships harbored below.

Penny and Jordan led two separate columns to attack the bombers. Milo used a rather direct approach. He simply ripped the tails off of them, causing them to fall straight down to the ground. Harriett caused the propellers to fly off, making them stall and crash. Carmen fired laser beams from her eyes and cut their wings off. They didn’t fly very well when she did that.

Jordan’s group used different approaches. Geoffrey grabbed hold of the wing flaps and twisted them off. Angel and Holly combined to kick holes into the wings. Both actions made the planes fall down to crash and burn.

A pilot of a Me-109 was right behind a Spitfire and had it in his sights ready to shoot. Jordan swung around and got up behind the German fighter. He flung a small energy bubble at it blasting it to pieces. A spitfire pilot flying behind this aerial scene nearly flew into his buddy when he realized what had happened. Both Spitfires turned sharply to find out who had saved them, but Jordan was gone before they could swing around.

Penny gathered her people and flew off. They had enough fun for one day. They arrived back at the cabin and went up on the porch where they found George sitting on a rocker.

“Where did you go?” he asked.

“We flew to Great Britain, grandfather, and helped them fight off an Luftwaffe attack.”

“Do you realize how crazy that sounds?”

“Yes, grandfather, but it will only get crazier.”

Everyone realized that.

Penny Wise and the League of St. ClaireWhere stories live. Discover now