Ch 2. Jacket's Speech

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As Jacket arrived to Sydney's possible room opening the door with his foot he moved forward holding the door for her to pass, the young heister passed by him, both look into eachother's eyes.

"Tosser"— Said the blue haired femme as she passed by Jacket

Jacket simply didn't care, he knew that all she wanted was to get a reaction from him.

Sydney dropped her case and put it aside Jacket passed her the box with her personal belongings.
Sydney was placing down her box and started to take out stuff from it, pictures, punk rock CDs and her recently bought spray cans and painting utensils, she wanted to create masks for the crew, exposing her more creative side and show she can be more than just another heister.

Jacket moved from the door, the door slams behind them, Sydney took the opportunity to ask Jacket again the question he didn't answer back on the way to the room.
Jacket simply talk really softly in an almost silent tone but smooth at the same time, deep but not raspy.

"It is my choice not to speak. I don't talk to anyone to avoid any questions of my past. Maybe one day you will be able to hear it. I just hope that day never comes"— Replied Jacket. Just the little time they spent together they felt the connection they might have. That gave him confidence to finally be able to talk.

Sydney was amused by finally hearing his voice, and by the time she has been with the gang, made it even more special. She hugged him." Ya bloody tosser" whispered Sydney in playful way on Jacket's ear.

A coat of blush appeared in Jacket's face, along with a smile.

About 5 minutes passed they were still holding on to eachother.

"I hope you can join us and be accepted in the gang."—Jacket whispered to Sydney.

"I hope we can hit scores together soon"— Replied Sydney to Jacket

It seemed it was time to go. Both of them slowly and gently push each other away, looking into eachother eyes for a second. Jacket got up from Sydney's bed. As Jacket got to the door, before opening it he looked back at Sydney.
"We hope you can work with us tomorrow"—Played Jacket on his tape recorder.

Sydney looked at him smiling, she found amusing Jacket using his tape recorder.

Before Jacket leaving Sydney's room he undressed his jacket, handing it to Sydney. Sydney stayed in a sitting position in her bed, as soon and the door, closes she layed back, facing the ceiling, and moved her hand to her heart, holding Jacket's jacket. Closing her eyes and falling asleep so quickly because of fatigue.

Jacket went back to his room. He had the idea to make Sydney feel more inclusive in the gang, he just decided to add a new word to the tape.
"Sydney" was the word.
Most of them where from Australian airplane instructions from the 80's.
As he was finishing that project he noticed he couldn't stop thinking about Sydney and took a break.

Jacket simply layed on his couch and fell asleep.
Both heisters with a new bond felt asleep, that early, maybe they were dreaming of eachother.

In Jacket's side he talked normally, without a tape recorder, he thought of being alone with Sydney, somewhere with no one else but her. With a life of no crime, and no killing.

On Sydney's side it was the same. Except for Sydney there was still crime. Explosions, shots, fire and fun.
Just her and Jacket sticking together.

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