Immortal Wings Pt 1

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He had to do it, he had to betray her. He couldn't complete the plan unless he betrayed her. He needed his wings. It was the only way. He was doing this for them. Alright here it goes:

"There's only one sub-demon around here and I'm about to get promoted, cuz I'm here to deliver a human soul." he said confidently.

While he talked, Bean looked at him with nervousness and annoyance on her face. Soon though, the look morphed into one of shock and betrayal. However, as he pulled down her disguise her face changed into a look of pure fear as she stared at the devil in front of her.

"Mint condition, still on the bone." Luci said proudly.

The Devil had a look of shock, confusion, skepticism, and a hint of pride on his face. He moved closer to examine the girl. It was unprecedented.

"An actual living human? Here in Hell?" the Devil asked.

Luci chuckled to himself. The king of demons was more impressed than he thought he would have been. Perfect. Now he just has to tell the final bit, and his promotion will be secured.

"Well, this is unprecedented. I underestimated you." The Devil said, glancing at Luci before standing and turning away from them, Claspin his hands behind his back contemplatively.

"Luci, what are you doing?" Bean asked, sadness, betrayal, and fear lacing her voice.

You can do it Luci. Just do it. Do it, do it, do it, do it!

"Plus I got a dumb elf to come down from Heaven." he said, false, but convincing, pride in his voice.

The Devil gave a humph and said "Four million years on the job and I can still be impressed." The Devil turned around to look at Luci, "Sub-demon Luci, I hereby promote you to demon level two. Enjoy your wings."

Yes! It worked!

He was surrounded by fire for a brief moment as his body grew slightly and wings popped out of his back. He looked at them, longing to be able to keep them forever, but knowing that was unlikely. Still, he finally felt like part of him was no longer missing. He flexed his new wings slightly, just taking a moment to enjoy the feeling. His emotions felt somewhat amplified.

"Oh my God. This was your plan all along wasn't it? I thought you were my friend. Now I'm stuck here forever, and so is Elfo. You sold us out for a promotion?" Bean said, anger and betrayal lacing her voice and covering her face.

"Exactly. I told you not to trust me. Hell, I spelled it out for you." He said, "Did you think I was your friend? Huh? Your little buddy? I'm a demon, dammit! That's what we do!" he said.

Luci jumped down from the book he had been standing on and stood next to the Devil.

"I gotta say, you're pretty easy to betray." God it was so hard to say that, but he knew this next part might just break him.

"It's been fun but," he snapped his fingers, and two lower level demons flew down to either side of Bean, "drag her away."

The two demons saluted him and grabbed her ankles, pulling her to the ground. They then flew up and dragged her off.

As she was being taken away Luci could feel his heart breaking, her words didn't make it any easier but he had to keep a straight face. If he broke now, the plan would fail miserably.

"Y-your evil!" she screamed, hatred in her voice.

"Thank you! Bye now! Buh-bye!" he said, just to seem unaffected.

He had to act unaffected by her pain. He had to look unmoved by the thudding of her head against the stairs. He had to seem heartless. He had to look like an emotionless, evil, uncaring demon, even if he wanted nothing more than to run and hug her, tell her the truth, and beg for forgiveness.

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