Back Together

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As he escaped the volcano, he could feel something wasn't right. He felt weak. It felt like a part of him was dying. He glanced at his back.

"Oh no! My wings!" he exclaimed softly as he, Bean, and Elfo's soul began to fall.

Hitting the mountain, he felt the worst pain he had ever felt. Sure he had experienced pain before, but his immortality had protected him from most of it. Now he was just a small, defenseless creature, but Bean and Elfo didn't know that. He couldn't tell them.

As he got up after he finally stopped falling, he heard what sounded like a glass bottle shattering. Elfo! No!

"Elfo! Elfo!" Bean shouted.

"Bye Bean, now that I'm a ghost I'll help you make pottery." he said.

"No way! I already let you die once!" She said before sucking up his soul.

"Oh God! You gotta hold your breath! Are you holding it? Don't answer that! Shut up!" Luci yelled.

Luci was freaking out. He couldn't fail at this. After everything, he needed to save Elfo. It couldn't be in vain. He wouldn't let Elfo die!

Bean stood up, looking towards a beach. A look of determination crossed her face as she saw Elfo's body laying there. She and Luci ran to Elfo. Bean dropped down beside him and pressed her mouth to Elfo's, breathing his soul back into him. They waited a moment, but...

"Elfo! Elfo!" Bean glanced at Luci, worry in her eyes.

"It didn't work." He said, trying not to let his voice crack.

It didn't work! Why didn't it work? The longer Luci stared the more he wanted to cry. When Bean started to cry though, he felt a tear roll down his own cheek. They were too late. They failed. God! They should have just gone back to Dreamland. At least then Elfo would still have eternal life and happiness in Heaven. He would still had his immortality. Bean wouldn't have to feel like she let him down again. They would have all been better off if he would have kept his stupid mouth shut and never tried to do the impossible.


"Elfo!" she gasped

"I knew you could count on me!" Luci said, relieved Elfo was alive.

The gang was back together.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2019 ⏰

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