Immortal wings pt 2

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God these two were so heavy. Even with his promotion he was still a good bit smaller than either of them. His wings might just give out if he didn't stop soon, but he couldn't stop. Ever. That would mean giving up on the only two people he'd ever cared about, and who'd ever cared about him. He couldn't, no, he wouldn't give up. Still...

"Damn you guys are heavy. Do we really need both of you?" he asked.

"YES!" Bean and Elfo said in unison.

"I hate democracy." he muttered, "Anyway, after we cross this lava river we are home free. I think we're gonna make it!" he exclaimed.

"I don't!" the Devil said, flying up in front of Luci, causing the trio to scream. "Thought you could escape Luci? A mere demon level two? I'm so disappointed. You could have made uber-demon one day."

It was then that Luci formulated his plan to get them out of this.

"How bout' today?" he said as he dropped Elfo's soul, "See ya never!" he exclaimed as he shook his tail out of Bean's grasp.

Their screams would likely haunt him forever. The terror in their voices. The looks of betrayal on their faces. The fact that he had to laugh to keep from crying.

"What an appalling thing to do! I hereby promote you to uber-demon level four." the king of Hell said.

"Thanks dumbass!" Luci said before he threw the Devil into a cliff.

"Leave now and you'll lose your powers, your immortality, your parking space, everything!" he said.

"It's a price I'm willing to pay!" he said without thinking.

He dived down, racing to catch his friends before it was too late. He couldn't believe he was doing this. He was going to give it all up. For them. If he did this, there would be no going back. He would have nothing, be nothing. He would be giving up everything he had worked for for his whole life. 21,432 years of work, gone. But...

They were worth it. Something about having his wings just made his feelings stronger. Maybe it was because he was complete now, or maybe it was because he was finally "grown up", he wasn't sure, but he was sure he loved them. That was more clear to him than it had ever been.

"Gotcha!" he said as he grabbed them in the nick of time.

"You schmuck again!" Bean yelled.

Luci smirked at her before refocusing. He began flying harder than ever before. He had to get them all out.

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