Year 5- Updated

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Our last year of grade school before we became middle schoolers. We decided to go out with a bang. Remember what we did?

"Y/N, let's go do something dangerous." Taehyun whispered to me during class. Kai was sick that day so he wasn't there.

"Like what Tae Tae?" I whispered back, turning to him, curious as to what the other had in mind.

"Destroy the principals office." He whispered and my eyes widened in shock.

"You know we can get in big trouble right?" I reminded him about the logical side and he nodded.

"Yea but this is our only chance before we grow up," He said, trying to convince me to do this with him.

I sighed. "Let's do it." I agreed and we worked on our plan all through class.

We got suspended for 2 weeks but it was worth it. Remember our parents faces? We weren't allowed to see each other but we told Kai who was miffed he couldn't have helped.

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