Chapter 2: The CUTE Baby?

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A former weird first-year student, aka otaku, in Eureka College, is now in a cradle and surrounded by some maids. The maids seem happy to see the baby blinking her big, round eyes while stretching her tiny, weeny hands. 

[Stop looking at me, will ya? I know I'm cute but I feel really uncomfortable to move my body with all your sparkly gazes on me. Well, technically speaking, I have not seen myself in the mirror so I don't know anything about my own appearance now but I can guess that I am cute from all the maids' reactions towards me and more than anything, I was cute before I died so I don't think I will be an ugly baby.]

'Ara, My cute little princess is fully awake now.' said the beautiful woman who just walked in.

[And one more thing to add is that this lady, this beautiful lady gave birth to me! She is so gorgeous like a muse so there is no possible way that I will end up being an ugly baby if I inherited her genes]

'Ah, Babuuuuuuu' ( Ah, Mommyyyyy), I said while stretching my arms straight.

[Infant is so troublesome. I can't even ask for a hug properly.]

'Oh, my cutie, you want mommy to hold you?'Arcadia asked with her modulated voice.

[Well, at least she gets it]

'Ah, Ah,' (Yes, Yes) I nodded while stretching my arms, at the same time, I tried to answer her with my baby's voice.

Arcadia then picked me up and hold me tight in her arms. 

[Hah... This is so comfortable]


[Shoot! I am hungry]

'Ah, Ah, Ahh' I said while trying to tell Mom that I am hungry.

'Oh my, look at the time! No wonder, she is hungry. I need to breastfeed her!' Arcadia passed me to the maid standing beside her so that she can loosen the upper part of her dress to breastfeed me.

She then holds me and adjusts the position of my head and starts to breastfeed me.

[Although I know this is necessary for me as a baby, damn I still can't get used it. Even though I am a baby, I still feel like an 18 years old pervert who is being breastfed as my mental age and my body age differs.]

'Madam, Ariadna-sama is going to grow up into a beauty that enchants both boys and girls.'the maid who is standing close whispers to my mom .

'Yes, she will. I can already see the future of Gion not letting her marry' Mom giggles while talking about Dad.

[See. I knew I am a cutie that everyone loves. Oh, I am so full that I am sleepy now. Oh Gosh, I will become a chubby baby if I eat and sleep, living like a pig. But I can't resist the drowsiness!!!]

Soon, Ariadna falls into sleep peacefully in Arcadia's arms.

'Oops, my little angel just fell asleep. Mia, would you please make the bed?' Arcadia says softly to the maid beside her while pointing at the cradle.

'Of course, Madam.' Mia answers.

After Arcadia put Ariadna down in the cradle, she turns to dress properly.

'Madam, Ariadna-sama is a quiet baby that will not make a fuss even if she is hungry. Isn't that strange, Madam?' Mia asked softly while looking at the baby who sleeps like a log in the cradle.

'What could be strange, Mia? She is quiet but she still asked me to spoil her just now. She is just as cute as an angel.' Arcadia who just finished dressing up turns to Mia and said this to her while smiling faintly. 

Both of them then leave the place after asking the nanny to look after the baby.

Author's notes:

I think there is a need to explain Sama to you all. 

Sama (様【さま】) is a more respectful version for people of a higher rank than oneself or divine, toward one's guests or customers (such as a sports venue announcer addressing members of the audience), and sometimes toward people one greatly admires. (By Mr Wiki)T.T

By the way, just some information about me.^^

I'm a Malaysian who speaks both Japanese and English. So as you can see, this novel is actually created using Japanese but I'm translating all into English. Even so, there will still be some traces of Japanese every now and then. So, Enjoy!

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