The Cat Lady

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My body shuttered from the frigid temperatures outside as I entered the building. It was the middle of winter and the temperature was a blistering -14 degrees tonight with a wind-chill of -28. I removed my coat, hat and gloves then logged into the computer just like I did any other night to prepare for the start of my shift. I opened up my camera layout of the building and received any information I needed to know from the previous shift. Nothing to report from the previous shift. Maybe it would be a quiet night. My two coworkers and I went about our normal duties of shift. We took turns roaming the near silent halls of the building while the other two officers remained at the front desk to greet or assist the occasional person who came in seeking medical attention. It really was a quiet and slow night, but no one dared to speak those words aloud as it was bad luck to utter those words. Every time someone said it, the night would quickly turn into a chaotic whirlwind of hellish activity.

At around 0200 hours I sat at the desk with my co worker, Rob. Rob was a great guy, fresh out of the military and he liked to run the show so we let him without any hesitation. He was tall and muscular, just a little bit over six feet, jet black hair and kind of intimidating if you didn't know him. I sure didnt want to pick a fight with him. We sat talking about the military and some of the crazy things he did when he was deployed. As we talked we heard the glass doors slide open indicating someone was walking into the building. We both quickly turned our attention to the door. Working the night shift at a hospital, you never knew what you would see come in but what we saw was a new one. We were greeted by a older woman, early 60s maybe who was wearing a bright yellow sundress. She was skinny and small, almost frail looking. The lady clutch two things. In her left hand she held a bundle of bananas and the other hand she gripped a carrier filled with a large gray cat. What in the world is going on here? I thought to myself.

"Can we help you ma'am?" Rob asked quickly before I could finish processing what I was seeing. It was freezing outside and she was wearing nothing but a sun dress...

"Why yes. I am here to see someone. They are having a baby tonight." The lady said excitedly.

"Okay ma'am if I could just get the patient's name, we need to confirm the patient is up for visitors as it is rather late in the night."

"Oh. But it's a surprise. Cant I just go up and see them?" She asked.

"No ma'am unfortunately we can't let you in without verifying the patient is awake and up for vistitors."

"Oh. Umm well let me think... the name is ummm Johnson. Yes that's it. Johnson." She said after hesitating. This didnt bother me and Rob as many times people come in unsure of if a patient in labor and delivery is listed under a maiden or married name. She was older so I imagined she might have some difficulty remembering things as well.

"Okay. Unfortunately we don't have a Johnson here at the moment in labor and delivery. Does she go by another name?" Rob asked. I just sat back and listened to the interaction unfold still unconcerned except by the woman's lack of clothing. "Oh silly me! Try umm Smith." She said and Rob set to work once more clicking and typing away on his computer.

"No ma'am, no one here by that name either. Are you sure they aren't at another hospital such as _____________ hospital?"

"Oh no. She's here. I know she is. Tell you what just let me go upstairs and I'll find her then call you when I get to the room."

"No ma'am im sorry I can't let you do that." Rob said.

"Maybe she hasn't arrived yet. We may have an ambulance coming in." I suggested. The intake process sometimes did take a little while. Maybe she was here and hadn't gotten entered in yet, or hadn't been brought in yet. It was a real possibility.

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