Couldn't Wait

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Another night working security, another patrol through the building. I began my patrol and roamed through the halls pushing on doors and checking offices to ensure everything was locked and no one was in the spaces they shouldn't be in. The building consisted of 5 stories. I checked the basement and the first floor with nothing unusual to report. The second floor was the labor and delivery department. I climbed the stairs and turned the corner to the waiting area. In the waiting area is a desk with a computer on it that was manned by a staff member during the day but at night, it was empty. I stepped into the waiting area, looked to the left to see no one sitting in the waiting area. I glanced to the right at the desk and was greeted by a young tan white male with brown hair sitting at the computer desk messing around on the computer. I sighed at the sight as I would have to write up an incident report.

"Sir, I'm afraid these computers are not meant for public use. I need you to get off the computer now." I stated sternly.

"Oh. Okay sorry. " He said but did not move from the desk.

"Sir I need you to come sit over here in the waiting area, away from the computer." I said.

"Okay." He stated but continued to sit at the computer desk. I stood there for a moment waiting for him to move.

"Sir, I really need you to get away from the computer now." He nodded at me.

I took a few steps towards the desk. The way the waiting room was laid out there was a wall between the hallway and the waiting area with the desk nestled behind the wall so I was unable to see the computer screen or behind the desk. As I approached, the man shifted nervously in the chair. The closer I got, the more restless he got. My mind jumped to the fact that he may be on the internet, watching porn. I hoped that was the case and thought better of going behind the desk in case his pants were undone. I instructed him to move away from the computer a couple more times before I stated I would ask him to leave the facility if he did not move. He shifted around and slipped his hands under the desk. Oh boy, what was gonna happen now? I thought to myself. He shifted around, and as he stood up, he redid his belt.

"Thank you sir. Now please stay on this side of the desk." I stated as he walked around the corner of the desk.

I leaned over the desk to check the screen. The screen was on the screen saver and locked. How had he gotten online if the computer was locked? Weird. As I began to walk away and enter the secure area on the floor I heard movement from the desk. The guy was now sitting on a chair, nervously looking at the desk. I turned around just in time to see someone under the desk. I sighed.

"Come on out from under the desk. I know you are there." I said, not looking forward to dealing with this incident report. The movement stopped.

"Come out now and I won't get the police involved in removing you from the building."

"Hold on, I'm trying to get my pants back on." A second male said.

My mind raced with what I had just heard. Why was there a second man under the desk with his pants off? I pushed the thought out of my mind and waited for a few moments for the second male to stand and redo his pants.

"Okay guys. Who are you supposed to be here with? Are you supposed to be on the second floor?" I asked.

"Yes. We are here with Paige. She's giving birth right now. Staff told us to wait out here."

"Okay so who are you in relation to the patient?" I asked.

"Im her husband." The first male said.

"I'm his best friend" the second male said.

"Okay well unfortunately your friend needs to leave. Both of you chose not to listen and come out from behind the desk right away." I said then looked at the first male. "You can stay because you are the husband, but your friend needs to leave the property."

"Im here to support them both with their first child. The second male argued.

"I understand that , but you did not come out from behind the desk. I gave you several minutes to come out from behind the desk and you decided to hide so I need you to follow me."

"If he leaves, then I'm leaving. Have fun explaining to my wife why I'm not here." The husband said.

"You are deciding to leave on your own. You are welcome to stay. I am not telling you you need to leave" I explained.

"Either both of us leave, or neither of us leave." The husband stated sternly.

"Okay, follow me." I instructed then turned and walked down the stairs with the two males following me to the lobby. I collected their visitor badges and they went on their way.

"What was that all about?" Rob, my fellow officer asked.

"Im not entirely sure. They were messing around without their pants on at the desk on the 2nd floor. It took me several minutes to get them both away from the desk, and to get them to leave. The one is the husband, so it'll be fun to explain to the wife why her husband isn't here for the birth of their child but he refused to stay without his friend. So they both left."

Rob chuckled and shook his head. I set to work on the incident report and reviewing video for documentation which showed everything. After I had completed the report, a nurse from labor and delivery called down, looking for the two men. It was time for me to inform the wife why the husband was not around. I went back up to the second floor and found the patient.

"Ma'am, unfortunately your husband left with his friend. There was an incident and your husband's friend was asked to leave. Your husband refused to stay without his friend so they were both escorted out of the building." I stated, hoping the patient wouldn't ask for more details but she did.

"What kind of incident?" She asked and I sighed. I dreaded trying to explain this situation to her.

"Well, I found your husband at one of our computers and asked him several time to come away from the computer after several minutes he did, but he had to redo his pants. Moments later, I became aware of a second individual behind the desk. The second individual was stubborn on leaving the safety of the desk so I asked him to leave." I said trying to be vague about the situation. She frowned.

"Again! Ugh that man! I am so over this!" She exclaimed in frustration.

I stood there, unsure of what to do or say as she glared at the ground.

"Im sorry for any inconvenience." I finally said.

"Oh no, this isn't your fault. This isn't the first time he's done something like this and I doubt it'll be the last. But thank you for kicking his friend out. I dont like him." I nodded to her, and left the room, then returned to the security desk.

"How'd that go?" Rob asked.

"Surprisingly well. Apparently the husband has done this before so the wife wasn't that surprised about it."

"Some people just can't wait I guess." Rob said.

As my supervisor came in the next morning, I mentioned to him there had been an incident report from the night before.

" Can you give me a quick run down of the incident?" He asked.

"umm...well this is one you'll need to read and review footage on to believe for yourself." I said looking at Rob.

"Yea cap, you'll think we made it up, but we didnt. It really happened." Rob said

My supervisor looked puzzled but nodded his head in understanding.

That night I came into work to find an email from my supervisor.

"You're right. I didnt believe this report until I saw the footage for myself. Good job on the report." I chuckled and prepared myself for another night of unknowns. 

A Security Officer's ReportWhere stories live. Discover now