• So much to watch! 📺

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After hearing about a lot of anime and TV shows, I prepared this list!

See how many?! When am I supposed to finish watching all these?! 😭😭😭

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

See how many?! When am I supposed to finish watching all these?! 😭😭😭

But I'm mostly excited to watch Haikyuu!! and Bungou Stray Dogs! They look like they suit my anime-ticness.

Edit: Finished BSD. It was awesome.

And how many of the above have you finished? 😮😮😮

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