• The mom for Otakus? 😲

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This happened long ago. But this was so unexpected and interesting, I thought I'd add it here.

Me: *watching Yuru Camp (Laid Back Camp) on Crunchyroll TV*

Nadeshiko (in the anime): *eating food*

Mom: *looks at the TV*Wow, she looks good

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Mom: *looks at the TV*
Wow, she looks good. I wish I had a daughter-in-law like that.

Me (outwards): *keeps watching*

Me (inside): *internal screaming*
Omg, mom!!! Seriously?!?! I didn't expect that! Yes, yes, yes, I agree! It would be awesome to have an anime girl as wife!!! I'd be forever grateful if you did that!

Even though, she's kinda glutton (00)
I might get broke...

Me: *still watching quietly*

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