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Hello my name is sorn I am 22yrs old and I live with my dad, mom and my brother everyone tells me that I have a "perfect" life but that's not true at all

My parents always want what's best for me and my brother but sometimes that's not always the case this is how it all happened

----1 year later----

I was in my room listening to music when the door slammed shut.

Dad: come back here young man were not done with this conversation!

JinJin: well I'm done living in this house!

My mom stood there and did nothing to stop him but my dad was angry

I watched from the top the stairs confused on what just happened but then I realized my brother just moved out of our house which means all his stuff got sent to his new apartment his room was now empty I felt tears forming but I held them back and went to my room to cry.

I called my best friends to come and comfort me but only yoongi could make it cuz Yvonne was at work and abbie had school

My mom came into my room when Yoongi left

Mom: listen you need to go back to school understood

Sorn- yes mom

Mom- when you get back we will have a chat we have some news but I will tell you when you get out from school tomorrow ok?

Sorn: ok

----next day----

I woke up to my Alarm going off beep beep beep
I turned off my alarm and got dressed I left without eating breakfast and I was on my way to school when I saw Yoongi

Sorn- Yoongi! Hi!

Yoongi- Hi, Sorn

Sorn- I will see u after school right?

Yoongi- Actually I'm attending an Audition so I won't be able to hang out with you today

Sorn- oh I see its alright I'll see u later then I'm gonna be late for school bye Yoongi

Yoongi- yea see u later sorn

----After School----

I was walking home from school when I saw a car parked in front of my house I walked in and I tried looking for my mom or dad but my mom saw me

Mom- your getting a step brother

Sorn- what? I don't want a step brother

Mom- your dad is on a business trip and also your step brother is here

???- hello my name is Han Jisung and I'm part of a group called stray kids

Sorn- hello nice to meet you

From That day my life changed I mean he was always nice to me but I rarely saw him at home because he was at practice or he had a concert

I didn't mind it I get free time and everything but I realized that Yoongi never told me about the Audition he went to so I called him

-on call-

Sorn- Yoongi hi

Yoongi- hey

Sorn- how did your Audition go?

Yoongi- it went well I got in but we won't get to hang out as much

Sorn- oh I see well I hope u get to debut!

Yoongi- thank you

-end of call-

I'm going to miss Yoongi but I really hope he does debut I'll be cheering for him

AlN: find out what happens next and I really hope u enjoy it~!                            

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