meeting the Group

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As I'm getting dressed I hear my mom yell

Mom- Sorn sweetie there a car waiting for you

Sorn- ok coming!

I was walking down the stairs and the car kept honking and someone walked up and knocked wearing a mask

???: Hello is Sorn home?

Mom: ah yes she is she'll be right down

Sorn: mom who ther-

I see someone with a black and red mask wearing a plaid shirt, ripped Jeans and Converse Shoes

???: Hello you must be Sorn, Jisung talks about you alot

Sorn- hi, what is your name?

???: Oh I'm Seungmin I'm in your brother group

Sorn- stray kids right?

Seungmin: yea! there 8 of us

Sorn- really?

Seungmin- come on the rest are waiting

Sorn- the rest?

Seungmin: yea the rest of the group

Sorn- oh ok let's go then, bye mom we'll be back

Mom- bye honey be safe

Seungmin goes and steps in the car as I'm closing the door I see a note next to my welcome mat I try to find a name but nothing I open it and it says

"Hi, I guess your shocked to hear from me, well guess what I'm moving in next door to you I'll be so happy to see you. See you soon Beautiful - JJK"

I'm thinking "JJK" only stands for one name

"Jeon Jungkook"

I broke up with him because he started getting possevive over me and wouldn't let me hang out with my friends just the thought of him living next door to me made me Scared but I couldn't think about that not now I was about to go hang out my stepbrother's group so I got in the car as I looked back I saw Jungkook

I saw him looking, Staring and smirking at me he had a evil smirk on his face like he wanted to hurt me but I just left that thought

As I got home it was almost dark
I was walking to open the door and I quickly went inside

Sorn- that was a close call but Jungkook didn't tell me when he was going to move Next door to me which made it even worse but I was to tired to think about it so I went to bed

----Next Day----

As I woke I heard my mom downstairs

Mom- Honey we have Visitors.

I got dressed Because I was going to Hang out with Jennie so I walked downstairs and stopped in my tracks

"No. What. Why. Why TODAY. Of ALL days. I don't want to see his face"

Standing in front of me was my ex Jeon Jungkook

I never told Yoongi that I dated someone all I told him was that someone broke my heart

Sorn(annoyed tone)- Hi. Welcome to the neighborhood.

Jungkook: hello Sorn, You probably don't know this but I'm in Your Friends group.

Sorn- friend? "I ponder for a moment "Friend? What friend? Then it hit. Wait YOONGI, he's in the same group as Yoongi"

As I lost my train of thought someone knocked

Sorn- be right there

It was Jennie, I left and closed the door and explained to her what happened

Jennie- wait your ex? As in Super Psycho Jungkook?

Sorn- that's the one I don't what to do.

(A/N: find out what her decision will be in the next chapter)

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