we meet again

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Its been 2 years and yet I haven't heard from JinJin. I really miss him I thought that's when the door bell rang

Mom: Sorn you have a visitor!

Sorn: Coming!

I hurried down the stairs "A visitor?" I thought as soon I was going to say something

Sorn: mom who is i-

JinJin: Hey, I'm just here to visit

My dad wasn't so happy to see him but my mom just smiled Jisung walked through the door but just went upstairs to practice Jinjin asked

JinJin: who is that?

Sorn: step brother his name is Jisung

JinJin: Ah ok, so where dad?

Mom: he is in the kitchen but he's quit grumpy so I would talk to him another day

JinJin: well I gotta go see you later, Bye

Sorn: bye

As JinJin went to close the door someone else knocked as I opened the door I screamed

Sorn: OMG JENNIE I haven't seen you in Forever!

Jennie: I know I've been promoting

Sorn: promoting?

Jennie: yea I debuted like last week

Sorn: I didn't know You Auditioned. You never told me

Jennie: I forgot to I can't stay long

Sorn; how come?

Jennie: since I debuted I kind of have to move to Korea

Sorn: oh I see, good luck to you and your promotions

Jennie: thank you, hey has Yoongi called you yet?

Sorn: uh no not yet why?

Jennie: just call him and ask if he debuted yet.

Sorn: I will ok bye good luck

Jennie: thanks, bye

I listened to what Jennie said and I called Yoongi

-on Call-
Sorn: hello? Yoongi

Yoongi: hey

Sorn: so.

Yoongi: so what?

Sorn: did you debut yet

Yoongi: yea I did I'm promoting right now

Sorn: yay! I'm so proud of you congrats!

Yoongi: thanks we'll I gotta go bye

Sorn: Alright bye

-end of call-

As the call ended I though "Maybe yoongi move to Korea because he debuted?" Maybe I'll ask him when I call him again cuz he missed alot of school. Hmm I pondered on thought for bit when someone knocked on my bedroom door when I opened it Jisung stood in front of me

Sorn: Yes?

Jisung: wanna come to practice with me and meet my group

A/N: what decision will she make find out in the next chapter hoped you enjoyed~ 

Love Hurts Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora