bretty, it's cold outside

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There was a loud knocking coming from the front door. Eddy waited for whoever it was to go, he wasn't in the mood to be talking to anyone, he wasn't feeling too good and the thought of socialising didn't seem enjoyable but then he heard a familiar voice shout:

"Come on, let me in! I'm gonna catch pneumonia in a minute!"

Eddy opened the door to see Brett dressed in a thick coat, scarf and hat. The snow was a good few inches off of the ground as it had been snowing all night and Brett had clearly dragged himself over to Eddy's in the intensely cold weather. Despite the thick and multiple layers he had on he was still shivering underneath them. 

"You should have texted, I could have been busy.." 

"Well, are you?" Brett replied with a slight grin as he began to step into Eddy's home.

Eddy turned away and let the door close on Brett, leaving him stranded outside. He banged on the door repeated and shouted. Eddy laughed from inside the nice and warm home before begrudgingly letting the shorter man in. He stepped into Eddy's home pulling in the cold air and snow with him making Eddy shiver a bit. Small puddles formed around where the snow had melted away around his shoes; he took off his slightly soggy shoes and coat. Which he put it on the nearby coat rack along with his scarf and hat. 

Brett took a moment to allow his body to appreciate how warm Eddy's house was, it's so nice to be warm again he thought as the heat filled his body. Although the journey from his house to Eddy's was short it was cold, so very cold. Eddy had cranked up the heating as soon as he woke up so the house was nice unlike outside. Neither Brett nor Eddy were particularly built to handle cold weather (but then again is anyone?) and the door was quickly shut behind him.


"Yes, please," Brett replied with slight desperation in his voice.

Brett made his way into the living room and settled himself down on the sofa like he always did, he sat on the far right and Eddy sat on the left.  Sure there was another sofa in the living room but it's not like either of them minded sharing a small space together. The bright light came pouring in from outside, the curtains were drawn and looked out to the snow outside.

He took off his cold jumper, revealing the t-shirt he had on underneath, and replaced it with the hoodie Eddy had left out. Brett didn't care that it was probably a bit weird to put on Eddy's hoodie but being warm was far more important.

 The hoodie was already quite big on Eddy so the hoodie was very oversized on Brett,  it was hanging on his body and the sleeves went past his hands. He didn't care about that though, all that mattered was that he was warm. Brett could feel his body warming up slowly, as he scrolled through his twitter, waiting for Eddy to bring him his tea.

"Nice hoodie," Eddy said handing Brett the cup of warm tea and sat at the opposite end of the sofa.

"Hah thanks, I like it too," Brett replied, setting his phone down and bringing the cup to his lips.

"You look cute, you should borrow my clothes more often.." Eddy said staring at the tv, trying to find a film to watch.

The compliment felt so natural yet so out of place to Eddy. Whereas Brett, on the other hand, nearly spat out his tea as he blushed and muttered a small "thank you", before hiding his face into his cup of tea and drank some more. 

Eddy put on a random film, he didn't really care and neither did Brett, the important thing was that they were spending time together. Eddy stretched his legs out on the sofa and became almost intertwined with Brett's. The physical affection made Brett feel at ease and, although he didn't know it, Eddy felt the same way too and relaxed into the sofa.

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